Ultimately, he wanted an MBA to prove his self-worth, and I was too willing to oblige.
Does this convention oblige us to take actions beyond attacks on ourselves or on our allies?
If you'd prefer to go the plasma route, the D8000 crew would be happy to oblige.
Caroline Radtke, a 31-year-old who wrote about her purchase on iReport.com, was happy to oblige.
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These producers are guaranteed a market, since regulations oblige fuel merchants to mix ethanol into petrol.
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This does not oblige member states to do anything, but it reflects a spreading mood.
The Dutch, who plan to vote by the end of the year, may oblige.
ECONOMIST: The European Union summit: A difficult birth | The
Deutsche Telekom, battered by fierce competition at home, is only too glad to oblige.
He will be reluctant to oblige, particularly on the thorny issues of redeployment and (still thornier) Jerusalem.
These rules oblige governments not to place obstacles in the way of free movement of goods and people.
If they know you and trust your work, a company is more likely to oblige in these other areas.
When I mention that the rule forbidding late-staying guests will now oblige me to leave, they burst out laughing.
Her willingness to oblige was so rife with byzantine rules, ever-changing and compounding in complications, that we gave up.
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To begin with, judges in many European countries can oblige the losing party to pay the other side's costs.
Another is to oblige manufacturers to take back and dispose of certain goods when consumers have finished with them.
The networks, of course, are all too happy to oblige with fawning coverage.
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But, dismissing both cases, the court said employers could oblige all their staff to comply with a reasonable policy.
Oblige banks to issue a certain amount of debt (say 2% of their assets) that is junior to deposits.
Alas, the more conservative part of the Turkish establishment is unwilling to oblige.
The Dutch loved Freddy stories, and he did his best to oblige them.
But when the bank needed more capital, Nomura saw no reason to oblige.
As Ryan probably knows my sentiments are unfashionable and hinge on notions like noblesse oblige and the burden of privilege.
Do the thousands affected by Hurricane Sandy morally oblige us more than the thousands of people whose homes burn down?
The commission also wants to oblige public companies to establish independent committees to hire and fire auditors, as in America.
Many big banks now oblige bankers and analysts to be chaperoned by a lawyer whenever they talk to each other.
CRD4 will oblige banks to increase the portion of best-quality "core capital" to 4.5%, from the current 2%, that they hold.
If he were to oblige and get on a plane and go, what does the U.S. want to see happen next?
America could, if it chose, deploy real power in the Arab-Israeli conflict, but domestic politics oblige its diplomats to tread delicately.
In that case, Santa's spending plans would oblige an iron chancellor to raise taxes, or a softer one to borrow more.
The Companies Act could be amended so as to oblige firms to make severance payments proportionate to the departing director's performance.