Obama uses a warped logic of federal noblesse oblige to dispense a bag full of goodies from tuition tax credits, to a mortgage refinancing credit, to public works projects.
FORBES: Dear President Obama, You Can't Create Growth, But You CAN Suffocate It
Another is to oblige manufacturers to take back and dispose of certain goods when consumers have finished with them.
The Companies Act could be amended so as to oblige firms to make severance payments proportionate to the departing director's performance.
For instance, the law allows councils to oblige developers to pay towards local infrastructure if they build, say, a new office block.
She was angry that MEPs turned down an opportunity to oblige farmers to earn subsidy by obeying the existing Water Framework Directive and Birds and Habitats Directives.
The commission also wants to oblige public companies to establish independent committees to hire and fire auditors, as in America.
Under Lisbon, if one-third of the national parliaments agree on something, they can act together to oblige the Commission to cancel and review a wrong decision.
The guessing is that once the constitution is changed he will seek legislation to oblige political parties to introduce progressively larger quotas for women until equality is achieved.
Like Mr Romney, he has said many things that are now anathema to the base: that government should oblige people to buy health insurance, for example, or that it should do something about global warming.
Solar shares fell some 32% on the NEX in the first quarter of the year and have suffered again in recent weeks, a drop that Prideaux blames on proposals in Germany and Spain to cut generous feed-in tariffs that oblige utilities to buy renewable electricity at above market prices.
Does this convention oblige us to take actions beyond attacks on ourselves or on our allies?
When I mention that the rule forbidding late-staying guests will now oblige me to leave, they burst out laughing.
Oblige banks to issue a certain amount of debt (say 2% of their assets) that is junior to deposits.
CRD4 will oblige banks to increase the portion of best-quality "core capital" to 4.5%, from the current 2%, that they hold.
And, in the new financial year, changed accounting rules will oblige banks to carry shares on their books at market value.
The court's rules oblige Cambodians to report complaints to their own government.
They dream up new benefits and then oblige towns to provide them.
As a result of our substantial share ownership in Compuware, SEC rules oblige us to make the existence and contents of this letter public.
Others, notably the Netherlands and Switzerland, oblige individuals to buy insurance.
The E-Verify law, which has been adopted in several states, would if passed oblige employers to check the legal status of prospective workers against a federal database.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue
It would oblige taxpayers to inject more funds into Lloyds and RBS, and that is the very last thing (literally) that the Chancellor wishes to do, and could be career-terminating for him.
Asked whether councils should oblige builders to plant a certain number of trees in and around new developments, he said this would be "very tough" since every housing project was different.
For US banks in particular, there's an important question whether this encouraged rollover of loans would oblige them to pay out under the credit derivative contracts they may have written to insure the debt.
It would oblige Argentina to continue trying to adjust its real exchange rate by deflation (cutting nominal wages and prices in nominal terms), a process which has already forced the collapse of many businesses.
His rivals point to his support for measures to curb greenhouse-gas emissions, his willingness to increase revenues by raising fees and eliminating tax loopholes and, above all, his embrace of the notion that the government can oblige individuals to buy health insurance.
Unlike some other countries, the UK does not oblige recipients to spend a proportion of their funds with suppliers from the donor country and there have been calls for the 12-year ban on "tied aid" to be lifted to give a shot in the arm to British firms.
We're happy to oblige: Samsung is asking Judge Paul Grewal to amend its patent infringement allegations to include Apple's latest 4th and 5th generation iPad and iPod Touch, as well as the 7.9-inch iPad mini.
ENGADGET: Samsung adds new iPad, iPad mini and iPod to lawsuit, will peek at Apple / HTC settlement
One simple way to improve the situation may be to take our lead from the Michelin guide and oblige the agencies to ration their very best ratings.
The Center has petitioned the US to list the polar bear as an endangered species, which would oblige the government to protect it.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | US predicts polar bear meltdown
If he were to oblige and get on a plane and go, what does the U.S. want to see happen next?