He was pale, perspirey, with limp blond hair combed straight back from his oblong forehead.
It was the Apollo group of asteroids, which circle the sun in oblong orbits, that occasionally cross Earth's.
The film also features a fleshy oblong Martian guard dog, Woola, who has become a Vulture favourite.
And yet, as Notroff pointed out, the pillars are almost certainly humanoid figures, with long narrow bodies and large oblong heads.
An orange tablet, a green pill, white oval shapes and oblong ones -- nine drugs total -- fall into his palm.
At Christmas, the couple purchased a 1974 Airstream trailer, shaped like an oblong silver bullet, from Craigslist for a few thousand dollars.
One long oblong of speaker-grille, punctuated by a central block that houses the all important valves, as well as a control section underneath.
Halvorson got into the business ahead of the Salt Lake City Winter Games of 2002, where the golden, oblong bells became a sought-after souvenir.
On the middle finger of his right hand he wore a ring with an oblong piece of faceted green glass that caught the light.
The man also had a watch on his left wrist, which is described as having a white metal strap and a black oblong face.
An oblong crystal the size of a cigarette packet was next to a pair of dividers - suggesting it was part of the navigational equipment.
And I know, the way only a parent can know, that he needs those influences more than he needs that little oblong piece of leather everybody wants him to carry for the next few years.
Chief amongst them is the Wireless Command Center, an oblong remote control useable from anywhere in the home that lets users steer the Roomba, send it back to its base, schedule a cleaning and adjust its clock.
ENGADGET: Roomba 790's Wireless Command Center lets you obliterate dirt from afar
He's also been working to bring the technology closer to reality in the years since the film's release with his company, Oblong Industries, but he's hardly alone in developing human-computer interfaces that have drawn comparisons to the movie.
ENGADGET: Minority Report at 10: a look at technology from today to 2054
Described by John Curtis, keeper of special Middle East projects at London's British Museum, as "one of the most iconic objects in the museum, " it is a small, unremarkable oblong of clay almost 9 inches long and 4 inches in circumference.
WSJ: A King's Manifesto: The Cyrus Cylinder at Sackler Gallery
And since the Apple screen is now taller but no wider, the usability of the extra space is very much in the to-be-determined category (the screen shape is more vertical or oblong depending on how you are holding the phone, closer to a widescreen TV than before).