The ascent of so obscure a figure to the job of EU trade commissioner in 2008 puzzled many.
These tempests obscure a larger truth about Thomas: that this year has also been, for him, a moment of triumph.
Yet these superficial explanations obscure a deeper reason for this persistent hopefulness.
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And yet, that view would obscure a storm of new innovation and technology deployment which may well radically change the power grid forever.
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Depending on your degree of cynicism, this approach represents either the embrace of open innovation or covering fire used to obscure a massive intellectual retreat.
Sadly, the seductiveness of such favorable notices obscure a harsh reality.
Trim garden shrubs so that they cannot obscure a man-sized figure.
Like always, simple metrics can obscure a more nuanced situation.
"What was a relatively obscure case is now a growing international embarrassment for the (Evo) Morales government that runs Bolivia, " he said.
After-tax contributions are obscure for a reason.
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Just when it seems as if every long-forgotten band from rock's past has been resurrected by blogs and online traders, here's among the most obscure: a black power-trio from Detroit who recorded portions of an album in 1975, only to see it shelved over its label's reservations with the group's admittedly nihilistic name.
Imagine, for a moment, an obscure scribbler today in a garret somewhere trying to outline an ideology of the future that could provide a realistic path toward a world with healthy middle-class societies and robust democracies.
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In addition to answering a question on Schedule B of their 1040s asking if they own or have control over foreign accounts and reporting all the taxable income from those accounts, U.S. taxpayers are required to file annually with the U.S. Treasury a (once obscure) form known as a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Account or FBAR.
Then the big boys with global licences arrive: Lego to make construction kits (build your own Hogwarts castle), Mattel to make Harry Potter toys, and Electronic Arts computer games including, finally, a chance to play the obscure game of Quidditch (a bit like an aerial version of polo, but with the contestants flying on broomsticks).
Koop, who turned his once-obscure post into a bully pulpit for seven years during the Reagan and George H.
And they are astonished to find that an obscure company has a claim on the junk and wants to be paid for it.
The obscure Steve was a gadget lover and prankster before he met Jobs, when Jobs was in high school (Jobs was five years younger).
The White Wolves is the most obscure of about a dozen tiny far-right organisations in Britain whose total membership is no more than a few hundred.
Maybe a positive review by Michiko Kakutani of the New York Times can elevate an obscure debut novel to a bestseller.
Attorney Craig Wruck, now with Minneapolis-based U.S. Bank, recalls pitching a then obscure--but legal--lead trust to an alum when he worked at a university.
After all, DXJ tracks a fairly obscure (by industry benchmarking standards) WisdomTree index that is rarely, if ever, used by institutions as a benchmark.
As a result, Ornstein argued, Democratic leaders may now try to short-circuit the traditional Senate legislative process by passing a more partisan bill through an obscure tactic known as reconciliation, a type of budget maneuver that requires only a simple majority -- 51 votes -- to pass.
CNN: Analyst: Post-Kennedy health care bill may be more sweeping
Acme Packet is a leader in manufacturing an obscure bit of telco gear known as a session border controller.
But quite a lot of Thais blamed the government for turning an obscure bit of nonsense into a global free-speech issue.
And the real estate market takeoff can obscure what is still a thicket of arcane regulations on development.
Anonymous has a big watchlist of countries, which makes its overarching cause a little obscure.
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Charlemagne would choose a more obscure confrontation as his memory of the outgoing Polish government.
The chance whims of pop culture can unexpectedly thrust a heretofore obscure place into the spotlight.
DeCode's effort focuses on an obscure gene that makes a substance called 5-lipoxygenase activating protein, or Flap.
Every once a while you get a glimpse of the future in a relatively obscure tax pronouncement.
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