Mauritius is tolerant, colourful, cosmopolitan, and its calendar is filled with a huge array of festivals, rites and observances.
With the holiday itself falling on a Sunday, many observances were scheduled instead for Saturday because of religious observances.
Today is Veteran's Day - observances continue with a parade here in New York and other events across the country.
The least gratuitous observances of the great milestone may be scattered efforts to rehabilitate three early operas Wagner excluded from his canon.
The state funeral and burial will be preceded by five days of observances beginning Monday with a private family service at the library.
Few native Christians feel safe living in Bethlehem anymore and Islamic supremacists like Mahmoud Abbas instead preside over the holiday observances there.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: No Christmas future for the Middle East?
Venables: Were there any restrictions on the vocabulary you could use in the game, for example avoiding certain references to sacred observances, ceremonies and traditions?
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Various religious observances Sunday reflected the new face of post-Saddam Iraq but also raised the specter of the religious divides that remain deep despite 20 years of oppression under the former regime.
The observances are to come a day after President Barack Obama's administration put into motion an effort to change U.S. gun laws, less than a week after the Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings.
The spur for the special observances was a call by the Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, which was publicised only some six weeks earlier, at an international UNESCO meeting in Paris on March 26th.
While observances and timing vary considerably based on different crops, climates, religions, and histories, the common thread is that we should set aside time to thank a higher power or nature for providing us with another year of sustenance.
So we opted for a sombre burial in the Greenhouse, under the shade of the tallest of the mangroves, though in truth it meant a slightly watery grave after all, stuff seeping up through the muck to swallow the foot, bubbles of mud detaching and floating among us during our tiny, foot-size ritual observances.