Plus, the Top of the Rock Observation Deck features a live music series in February.
The observation desk is also witness to proposals of marriage almost daily, according to unofficial tallies.
Today, first-class observation cars with panoramic windows let leaf-peeping tourists zoom through the hill country in one day.
This is just a standard observation: tax something and you get less of it.
This is where the majority of missions returning critical Earth-observation data tend to operate.
My job guarantees I travel a lot, which leads to observation, adventure and mischief.
The second observation is the incredibly powerful ecosystem of innovation that fuels Silicon Valley.
This explains the important observation that the housing bust was coincident with falling US unemployment.
My own observation of retail activity around the S4 is it is selling well.
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He thought to generalize this observation from local and state governments to state and national governments.
The term is descriptive, and derives more from observation than any genuine insights about physiology.
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During our visit to this historic observation post, we heard anti-aircraft fire coming from the city.
Real-estate magnate Sam Zell also puts a high value on teaching curiosity and observation.
The building then was 21 feet higher than the Empire State Building's observation deck.
What made this observation even more interesting for the scientists is that fruit flies are vegetarian.
This observation goes to the heart of the argument about what "fair" should mean.
The trio are in a stable condition and are being kept in for observation, police said.
If you slide your observation period forward or back, those bad returns often disappear fast.
First and foremost, the most disappointing observation is the lack of editing on the iOS version.
This observation is consistent with a well-documented cognitive bias known as anchoring and adjustment.
The current report follows years of painstaking research designed to strengthen this initial observation.
Brahimi said violence must stop and "strong observation" by a peacekeeping mission would be key.
He starts from the observation that even those who are otherwise paralysed can sniff.
How long that observation will take to translate into personalised treatment is anybody's guess.
That observation rings very true when it comes to industry support for politically correct government-sponsored energies.
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He depended on his powers of observation, his analytical capacity and his own creativity.
The theme of the Conference is "New Era of Earth Observation on Natural and Cultural Heritage".
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Scott Fitzgerald got off his famous observation about the test of a first-rate mind.
His attentive observation was the catalyst for creating something that had never been created before.
Figuring football's most overpaid players requires a mix of statistics, general observation and common sense.