Everything from the main hall to the observation bar, as well as many of the ballrooms (now used for private parties), are restored to their original glory.
To make this transition will require greater scientific research and cooperation, as well as observation and monitoring systems, including early warning systems, to gain a better understanding of this complex system.
This observation is consistent with a well-documented cognitive bias known as anchoring and adjustment.
Rovos' most special feature is its observation car, where a well-stocked bar stays open until the last guest has gone to bed.
Your well-said observation that "it's almost like your problems are competing to be the No. 1 stressor" is also a very classic mental marker for depression.
This is based on data from PortalPlayer as well as the simple observation that Apple unveiled its then new iPod photo around the same time last year, and that they'll want to cash in on the same holiday season buzz they did then.
My observation is that both companies are doing well and will continue to do well.
FORBES: iPhone Passes BlackBerry, But The Race Is Far From Over
Zephyr, as the craft was known, could be used for military applications, as well as for Earth-observation and communications.
That is only an anecdotal observation but I am sure Mr. Son well knows that if he delivers a spectacular experience to smart phone users, they will flock to his network.
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Half a century ago, astute clinicians noticed that patients receiving the new anti-tuberculosis drug iproniazid experienced an enhanced sense of well-being, a chance observation that led directly to the development of antidepressants and the birth of psychopharmacology.
My own observation of retail activity around the S4 is it is selling well.
FORBES: Five Days In, Samsung S4 Races Up List of Most Popular Smartphones
Amity Shlaes' well-written, well-researched book substantiates that machinist's observation.
In this valuable and well written account of that period, Josephine Woll spotlights an observation by a Russian writer, Vitaly Troyanovsky.
We can see things -- we pass over the same portion of the Earth every day, so it's a regular observation that we can make over a long period of time, as well.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's call to the International Space Station
Mr. Magill's range is extraordinary, and his wit, erudition and powers of observation give credence to judgments that might otherwise strike us as just a tad, well, insincere.
Well, the curious folks at Bose, Target and Timberland asked the question after an observation of the obvious and, in due time, became brand leaders.