But in Montevideo it was granted observer status on all the group's deliberative bodies.
The UK has observer status on the Arctic Council, comprising the states that fringe the region.
Non-member observer status would give the Palestinians access to bodies such as the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
He says the Bush administration needs to give Obama's economic team some sort of observer status at that meeting.
Kenya has observer status on the UN-REDD Programme Policy Board, but is not a pilot country of the programme.
India, Israel, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have Observer status.
Israel is responding to the United Nations General Assembly vote that granted the Palestinian Authority permanent observer status at the UN.
Vietnam was inducted last week as its seventh member, and Cambodia was granted official observer status and admitted into ARF, boosting that body to 19.
If not, would the United States support a bid by the Baltic states to obtain observer status at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
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Canada rejected the European Union's application for observer status due to a long-running dispute over seal hunting and a ban by Brussels's of seal products, such as hide.
At the GATT Council meeting in Geneva yesterday, the United States withdrew its objection to the immediate approval of the Soviet application for observer status in that institution.
With the Soviet Union clamoring for observer status or membership in these same institutions, U.S. and allied decision-makers must not fall prey to the same error once more.
If they obtain observer status in the GATT, the Soviets would be permitted to attend monthly GATT meetings, participate in GATT Committee business, and receive all organization documents.
Gao Feng, head of the Chinese delegation in Kiruna, told China's official Xinhua news agency that the council's decision to grant it observer status was a "right and wise" move.
Observer status, currently held by six countries, grants holders little more than the ability to attend meetings and propose projects, which then need to be approved by the permanent members.
The Center for Security Policy noted today that the United States has officially dropped its major precondition concerning Soviet observer status in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
Its leaders are frequent visitors to the region and, like nine other countries, including Japan, Singapore and South Korea, it is lobbying for permanent observer status on the Arctic Council.
For example, in early 1990, Japan strongly opposed Soviet observer status in the International Monetary Fund, and opposed Soviet membership and borrowing privileges in the new European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
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The European Union, the other major body seeking observer status, had its application affirmed but "deferred, " a rebuff that is likely related to an unresolved dispute with Canada over the fur seal trade.
What Moscow will do if things get tough, is maintain its observer status with OPEC, all while pushing bilateral deals outside OPEC forums with the likes of Nigeria, Iran, Venezuela, Ecuador and Algeria.
Iran requests ALBA observer status.
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Repudiation of the Bush Administration's recent concession to Moscow whereby the Soviet Union can obtain observer status in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) even before the Kremlin adopts price reform and other market practices needed to make its economy more compatible with the GATT system.
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Key members of Congress, notably Senators Riegle, Dixon, D'Amato and others, are sponsoring S.276, a resolution urging the Administration to postpone action on Soviet GATT observer status and other elements of U.S.-Soviet trade ties as long as Soviet intimidation and use of economic force in the Baltics continues.
India was granted observer status in the SCO last year and while its intentions regarding full membership are unclear at this time, the Russia and China led alliance would allow New Delhi a greater influence in Central Asia, which it desires, and at least ostensible cooperation in counterterrorism efforts.
The Bush Administration should at once repudiate its recent concession to Moscow which would permit the Soviet Union to obtain observer status in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) before the Kremlin adopts price reform and other market practices needed to make its economy more compatible with the GATT system.
Mr Netanyahu froze the transfers last year after the Palestinians gained non-member observer state status at the UN.
These statements can be interpreted as saying: thanks in advance for providing us with observer and eventual membership status in the GATT, the IMF, the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank as well as expanded access to Western credits (particularly the taxpayer guaranteed variety).
Although a country might, under certain circumstances, choose to rely to some extent on another country for military intelligence, this is less likely to be the case when the second country is doing its monitoring not as an ally, but as an impartial or neutral observer, as would be the status of any U.S. forces deployed on the Golan under an Israeli-Syrian agreement.
In November, Mr Abbas led a successful campaign for the UN to upgrade the Palestinians' status to that of an observer state.
The status was previously that of a "non-member observer entity".