Researchers observing female Barbary macaques found that "middle hierarchy" monkeys experienced the most stress.
You have to start by observing the job that customers are trying to accomplish.
FORBES: The Secret to Entrepreneurial Success: A Monetizable Pain
He views other people as objects, observing and analyzing them at a necessary distance.
It involves observing one's own thoughts and feelings from the perspective of a nonjudgmental third party.
To put it concisely, I think what people may be observing is very elastic labor demand.
People have been observing its annual shower of shooting stars for more than 2, 600 years.
The efforts involved observing, from behind mirrored glass, as people in fake minivan interiors used ketchup.
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On enhancing the knowledge base, she stressed the importance of UNESCO-IOC's Global Ocean Observing System.
For opposition parties observing the mess, decentralisation is an appealing (if hardly catchy) solution.
And in the process of experiencing, observing, recording, and writing, I found my passion: writing.
Observing: I get innovative ideas by directly observing how people interact with products and services.
After observing them together, Millan said he believed she was a compatible dog for the couple.
They did indeed, but some scientists did not believe observing bees could actually follow the instructions.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Waggle dance leads bees to nectar
The projected loss of observing capability could have significant adverse consequences for science and society.
Observing New York's success, officials in Ecuador are developing a similar scheme for Quito.
It caters for amateur astronomers and holds lectures, short talks, debates and observing sessions.
It is a different way of observing when you are not looking through a viewfinder.
Tough talk, but it was hard to conclude otherwise while observing the well-heeled group in attendance.
Leave maths aside and concentrate upon observing what people do to make a profit.
"People are interested in observing their habits and understanding how they spend their time, " he says.
His eyes followed every move his brother made, observing how to play the instrument.
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Observing the motions of the stars orbiting the central object allows scientists to estimate its mass.
Even those committed to the ceasefire spend more time bickering about it than observing it.
The telescope was launched almost four years ago and sent to an observing position 1.5 million km from Earth.
Shia pilgrims, who have been frequently targeted in Iraq, have been observing the festival of Arbaeen.
Another factor is the intense competition for observing time on the world's largest telescopes.
Or perhaps, observing Iraq, they prefer stagnation to the chaos that change might bring.
This approach involves running a simulation of many trials (or games), and observing the outcomes.
Earlier this year, racing pundits expressed doubt that Camelot would run, observing that winning the St.
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Now, in just a few days -- a few weeks -- we will be observing Veterans Day.