• IMF, and the cheap loans it provided, but were forced to by Indonesia's obstreperous parliament.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • The government of Panama was sometimes obstreperous but ultimately bent to American muscle.

    ECONOMIST: American canal building

  • But the Republican bosses, in particular, do not know how obstreperous the firebrands in the lower ranks will prove.

    ECONOMIST: Congress

  • But she will have to put all these proposals past the same obstreperous politicians who stymied her previous administration.

    ECONOMIST: The Philippines' election

  • Moreover, Mr Clement, who took over as premier two years ago, is increasingly irritated by his obstreperous Green partners.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • General Musharraf's original plan was to neuter the Supreme Court by sacking its obstreperous chief justice, Iftikhar Chaudhry, last March.

    ECONOMIST: Desperate efforts to cling to power

  • But in fact he had left West Bengal an economic backwater, largely shunned by foreign investors and a byword for obstreperous unionism.

    ECONOMIST: Jyoti Basu

  • Building on dry land is difficult too: suitable sites are rare, and Britain's planning system hands obstreperous local residents a lot of power.

    ECONOMIST: Gas storage

  • In fact, it takes longer now than it used to, because environmental regulations have become more onerous and activists more obstreperous around the world.

    ECONOMIST: Commodities

  • Taming France's obstreperous left would cap a career of surprises.

    ECONOMIST: Lionel Jospin, escape artist

  • But it did, of course, delight the obstreperous end of the Social Democratic Party and was acclaimed by trade-unionists, who hope that some 60, 000 Holzmann-connected jobs will be saved.

    ECONOMIST: Are Germany and its leader bouncing back?

  • But, much though the business-friendly Mr Clement may be tempted, he is being urged by his party leaders in Berlin to try to remake a coalition with the obstreperous Greens.

    ECONOMIST: Germany

  • Obstreperous unions push up labour costs and reduce productivity.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia's election

  • The first concerns Mr Hussein's own obstreperous behaviour.

    ECONOMIST: Weapons of mass destruction

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