And will Mr Trimble's Ulster Unionists engage in negotiations, or merely try to obstruct them?
In attempting to obstruct justice, we mean by that obstructing the justice of whom?
Nor is it a crime to obstruct or conceal personal, embarrassing facts or relationships.
But neighbors complained that the house would obstruct their view, so Mr. Okada sold the property.
She, her husband and four other people are charged with trying to obstruct the investigation.
Nor is it clear that Ms Merkel will want to obstruct membership negotiations with Turkey.
It is no job of the State Department to obstruct a president's foreign policy.
Unfortunately, congressional forces are aligning that will obstruct replacing this back bone of our health care.
Anti-gay activists and conservative Christian groups said they have no plans to obstruct Kim Jho's September ceremony.
Both bidders were also warned not to obstruct access to the LSE's clearance provider by any competitor.
BBC: The watchdog's report could spark further bids for the LSE
The larger PDI-P and Golkar may obstruct his efforts to reform the economy and the justice system.
In Brazil, however, a loose federal structure and a constitution packed with fine regulatory detail obstruct reforms.
It is a federal crime to commit perjury and obstruct justice in civil cases, including sexually harassment cases.
He could--could--view Rove's failure to report this conversation with the journalist as an effort to mislead or to obstruct.
It makes it a crime for anyone to "knowingly obstruct" another person's entry or exit from a health-care facility.
Neither party should delay or obstruct every single bill just because they can.
It is already a specific offence to assault or obstruct people providing emergency care, such as doctors and nurses.
Mr Mugabe does not face re-election as executive president until 2002, and can be relied upon to obstruct reform.
But too often, the Republican leadership in the United States Senate chooses to filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Filibustering Recovery & Obstructing Progress | The White House
For the dining room, Wright devised a china-dish pattern and low-back chairs so as not to obstruct views of the gardens.
Criminal investigators are looking into whether Bloch destroyed evidence to obstruct an inspector general investigation of whether he abused his power.
Two Kazakhstan nationals, Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov, have been charged with conspiring to obstruct justice for allegedly helping Dzhokhar conceal evidence.
He says any attempt by Musharraf to obstruct either man would backfire.
In the Senate, meanwhile, Democrats are threatening to make it harder for the Republican minority to obstruct the will of the majority.
ECONOMIST: Bickering and stalemate loom for America��s new Congress
Cisneros is charged with 18 counts of obstructing or attempting to obstruct justice, making false statements and concealing information from the FBI.
Two other friends were charged with conspiring to obstruct justice by taking a backpack with fireworks and a laptop from Tsarnaev's dorm room.
And Republicans are playing more fiercely than ever, to win or obstruct or change the rules of the game if need be.
FORBES: The Decline of the Populist Left and the Rise of the Tea Party
These are issues where any big reforms will benefit Democrats electorally, and hence where Republicans will obstruct all but the most cosmetic changes.
Even though Mr Trimble has rejoined the talks, as expected, he is clever enough to continue to find reasons to obstruct any progress.
More than 75% of people who commented on the proposal objected, saying it would obstruct the view of the cathedral and impact on wildlife.