• The obverse of hostility among Democrats is wild popularity with his Republican base.

    ECONOMIST: Winners and losers in American politics

  • Indeed, are not Mr Blair's putative strengths as a war leader simply the obverse of his known defects as a peace leader?

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • In contrast, a recent poll found that the obverse of Mrs Palin's stellar ratings among Republicans was that only 8% of Democrats had a favourable view of her.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • In some ways, Mr Pendergrast's book is precisely the obverse of the one by Mr Dicum and Ms Luttinger: his work contains too much sober analysis and not enough feeling.

    ECONOMIST: History of coffee

  • It is true, though, that the spread of electric lighting means many people eat their main meal of the day in the evening, when natural daylight is long gone the obverse of a mouse eating during daylight hours.

    ECONOMIST: Obesity: The dark side of light | The

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