As Alex Pereene points out in Salon, there really never is an October surprise.
The October surprise hampered Whitman's campaign at a crucial time in her race against Jerry Brown, who won the election.
There is always the possibility of what's known in American politics as an "October Surprise, " something sudden that changes people's voting plans.
The October Surprise -- "the really stinky piece of information that campaigns hold on to until the end of the election, " as Michael McDonald, an associate professor at George Mason University who specializes in American elections, puts it -- will have to be a September Surprise to have much effect.
Observers said Delisle's guilty plea last October came as a surprise.
So the game is possibly reversing from last October, when the surprise reports began showing the U.S. economy was improving impressively and might even manage to become the salvation of the entire global economy.
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Weill as chief executive in October 2003, a slight surprise at the time since his rival for Weill's attention was Robert Willumstad, head of Citi's global consumer group.
The government-bond market has been confused since the Treasury's surprise decision in late October to stop issuing 30-year bonds.
But Devlin, Birmingham-born but who qualifies for Scotland through his father, is the big surprise for the 12 October clash.
When Islamic scholar Abdurrahman Wahid came from behind to become Indonesia's first democratically elected president in 44 years last October, the world was caught by surprise.
We've heard a groundswell of concern from tipsters that the Touch Diamond may have been bumped out to October -- it certainly wouldn't surprise us, given our jaded, overwhelmingly pessimistic personalities -- but here's hoping, anyway.
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Hutton, who took over the secretary's job on October 3, arrived Sunday in Baghdad on a surprise one-day visit to Iraq.
So it came as a surprise to many when Folz replaced Calvet in October 1997.
Dilma Rousseff made news when she was elected to lead Latin America's largest economy in October 2011, but in many ways the election result was not a surprise.
It came as no surprise that voting got off to a slow start in Pakistan on October 10th.
Yet by the end of October, the university's lawyer had contacted Cordero and, to our surprise, indicated a willingness to consider a settlement.
That all added up to Weather Channel forecasts in October and November that were dry-biased, Dr. Neilley said meaning surprise precipitation was more common than false alarms, a reversal of the norm in forecasting.