• The drug, Zioptan, treats elevated intraocular pressure in people with a form of glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

    WSJ: New Drug Approved to Treat Eye Condition

  • One problem, though: Not everyone is convinced ocular dominance is a real phenomenon.

    WSJ: Baseball's Oddest Fraternity

  • These mutations result in signs and symptoms related to vision (ocular) and those related to skin (cutaneous), hair and iris color.

    CNN: Albinism

  • Scientists have long discussed a phenomenon known as "ocular dominance, " which argues that each person prefers visual input from one eye over the other.

    WSJ: Baseball's Oddest Fraternity

  • "We now believe that we have a set of materials and fabrication techniques that allow us to build not only insect eyes, but also ocular organs found in other creatures in nature, " said Rogers.

    CNN: High-tech camera acts like a bug's eye

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