On Friday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie ordered the odd-even rationing system to take effect in twelve affected counties.
So to clean up the smog and gridlock Beijing is famous for, officials embarked on a trial run of a system of odd-even license plates.
And it does so progressively, line by line, rather than the odd-then-even-lines interlaced scheme of standard video that can cause subtle motion glitches.
He failed to hole anything, but began to treat me as something other than an ill-dressed loser, even offering me the odd fist-bump and compliment.
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After Sandy hit the Northeast last fall, New Jersey, then New York, had to begin even-odd rationing because the storm interrupted gasoline shipments for days.
Joyful, exciting, unique, slightly odd, even a little bit naive - a proper break from the norm.
"We were lucky to get some bounces there but again there was a couple of odd-man rushes we didn't even get a shot on net, " he said.
As you can imagine, with this much at stake, even old Mother Nature has the odd data-set you can refer to.
There's the subservient kind, the virtual representative, the odd one with an artistic bent, and even robo-cattle.
Except as a monument to the hypocrisy of respectable French society, even his odd relationship with Nini, his long-time mistress and finally wife, remains enigmatic.
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Additionally, the company is also working with the My City Way apps, which cover 40 cities in the US and that many abroad, offering traffic cameras, POIs, and even public transit info -- a little odd for a car company.
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Even America is thinking again: in 20-odd states that require utilities to generate a proportion of their power from renewable sources, waste-to-energy plants count towards the goal.
To reduce pollution, between July 20th and September 20th the city is aiming to halve the number of private vehicles on the roads by allowing those with odd-number licence plates to drive one day, and those with even-number plates the next.
The odd couple even play on the same doubles team in cutthroat company ping-pong tournaments.
East division teams will host five conference games during even-numbered years starting in 2016, with West teams hosting five in odd-numbered seasons.
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This may sound odd (a theory of mind among hominids?), but as Pagel notes, even two-year-old babies have a greater understanding of what other humans believe than even adult apes do.
As you can imagine, once the deal is finalized and Jawbone brings on BodyMedia's 60-odd employees, the plan will be to improve Jawbone's existing apps, and maybe even break into healthcare.
For less-skilled riders, Ubin also has a network of rolling and flat gravel roads, and even the odd sealed stretch.
Since conservatives constantly shout themselves hoarse about the dangers posed by moral relativism, and constantly re-iterate that they are in favor of absolute moral standards, this would seem to be a bit odd, even contradictory.