This oddly democratic phenomenon is also evident in the nearly 6 million square foot Dubai Mall.
Koh Surin Tai is the second largest in the group, another oddly shaped amoeba of land.
Oddly enough in this tucked-away spot, it was left to French people to make the breakthroughs.
As huge and oddly specific as that number may be, it is not an outlier.
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There is a lot of noise that goes on in ICU. The people are oddly silent.
Gardner got off to a tough start Monday in the oddly angled center field.
Oddly, though, the main beneficiaries of Britain's tax hand-outs seem to be big American studios.
The foreign minister, Dimitrij Rupel, is oddly abrasive for someone with two decades' diplomatic experience.
The waves next to the pier have become inconsistent and oddly shaped, he said.
In one scene, Danny is playing with toy cars on the hotel's oddly patterned carpet.
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And, oddly enough, as Romney stalls in the polls and Perry staggers, Cain continues to rise.
Oddly, the explosion of tribal gambling outfits is one reason for Reno's economic recovery.
"I wouldn't give her the satisfaction, " I think to myself, and I feel oddly nostalgic.
CNN: Why I didn't give Thatcher satisfaction of turning my back
Yet our ten-year Treasury yield was, in the absence of inflation, an oddly high 4.8%.
Oddly, voters may end up electing a government keener on tax cuts than they themselves are.
ECONOMIST: Tax cuts emerge as a central issue in the election campaign
Oddly, the stock market seemed to like this report, rising steadily after its release.
FORBES: Sweden Is A Better Place To Do Business Than The U.S.
Oddly enough, demographic research suggests that consumption and population growth in advanced economies plateau or fall.
Oddly, both views are right: Bradford's Muslims are both more ghettoised and more integrated.
Oddly, the HitBliss Earn video player doesn't display how much money you've earned as you go.
Pincus: Before this new chapter, there was an inverse relationship between engagement and monetization, oddly.
During the drive back to the firebase, I found myself feeling oddly sorry for Audin.
At the oddly-named StreamCrab, 23% were positive and 14% were negative (51% were neutral).
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But oddly enough, the style of music they're playing comes from somewhere else entirely: the Congo.
Oddly, a problem that is high-tech in origin has strengthened a low-tech form of communication.
The hero, known in full as Dante Remus Lazarescu, is an unregenerate but oddly lovable mess.
The children were oddly trusting, offering huge hugs and burying their faces in my stomach.
Oddly enough, I find the frequency of the battles a bit over the top.
Whatever the reason, Romano Prodi, head of the European Commission, is behaving increasingly oddly.
ECONOMIST: The head of the European Commission is losing his cool
Oddly, the chess puzzle attracts enthusiasts who have no interest in playing the game itself.
In March 1969 Milligan launched an equally ferocious assault on television with the oddly titled Q5.