The bonds of devotion and affection transcend the peaks and valleys of a business cycle.
And today, they gave their lives, that last full measure of devotion, to protect ours.
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Mornhinweg spoke highly of the head coach's character, offering the team's support in return for Reid's years of devotion.
And I just can't really fathom that degree of devotion to the process.
No claim was made on her, nor were there protestations of devotion, as once, so often, there had been.
Such expressions of devotion are unusual for her daughter to voice, Bremnes said.
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These shrines have long been a focus of devotion and prayer, but hardline Islamists have decided that worship at them is un-Islamic.
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But public displays of devotion to God alone have not proven to propel an entire team to victory -- just ask Tim Tebow.
It doesn't help matters that despite all their protestations of devotion to the great European family both Tony and Jacques are having affairs.
Western reporters in Sirte say its people's declarations of devotion to the colonel and their willingness to fight for what they have are sincere.
It will be interesting to see how Mightybell fares, since it is one of the more immersive takes on the social network and relies on a certain level of devotion among its membership.
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Tom Wolfe, in his book "The Right Stuff, " about the original Mercury astronauts, wanted to describe for readers just what level of devotion the newly named astronauts had received from the American people.
And I want you to know that we will never forget the sacrifice and service of the American soldiers who gave their lives for people whose names they never knew, and whose faces they never saw, and yet people who have lived in freedom thanks to the bravery and valour of the Americans who gave the "last full measure of devotion".
Pilgrimages to sites of special devotion have been a big business since the Middle Ages, but the ability of people to travel easily and cheaply has seen Catholic pilgrimages grow into a multi-billion dollar industry.
Learning the radif stretches over at least a decade of self devotion during which the students memorize the radif s repertoire and engage in a process of musical asceticism intended to open the gates of spirituality.
There are iconic moments of panache and devotion, and of cowardice.
It took Apple several decades (and an iPod revolution) to earn such a high level of consumer devotion.
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"Sharing passwords is seen as a sign of love and devotion, a sign of commitment, " said Robert Siciliano, McAfee's online security expert.
They wear looks of pure devotion, like nuns or nurses at war.
He says it's humiliating to take off this sign of his devotion.
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In addition to the problem of fading devotion, electric lamps have replaced votive candles in many churches and memorial candles in many cemeteries.
Indeed, a couple of dating agencies have realised the isolation that certain levels of pet devotion can impose, and have set up special services for "animal people".
One main reason: The company had a history of religious devotion to proprietary file formats, and took years to release a digital audio player that could handle the ever-popular MP3 format.
Perhaps she understood that all my tactical cunning was a measure of my devotion, and, as her cool lips brushed my bruised cheek, I could not imagine myself ever having been happier.
In a very uncomfortable way, Sandy points out the dangers of our devotion to economic efficiency: when you engineer your economy to cut out waste, you design with lowest costs in mind, and redundancy is eliminated.
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Some of the devotion from consumers attains almost cult-like status, which is why a recent article by Stanford University researchers that was dismissive of health or nutritional benefits of organic foods created such a furor.
It was this sense of loyalty and devotion to his home country of Belize that would propel his legacy to that of more than a mere musician.
Now, if state officials get their way, this vast reservoir of Lone Star devotion will put money into the pockets of Texan farmers.