Thanks to the depth of Mr Wilson's understanding of them, his evocation of their ways is a more powerful tool for raising ecological awareness than any Disneyfication is likely to be.
But Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland have kept it smart and irony-free -- there isn't a trace of condescension in their evocation of working people trying to hold it together, if not get ahead, or in their concentration on familiar, even timeless themes.
If the life too often takes the place of the plot, this is redeemed by a vivid evocation of what it was like to grow up in the pre-state Israel of the 1940s, with all the music and dynamism and the constant sense of siege.
There's also an evocation of "Fitzcarraldo, " as Carl and Russell tug the house through the jungle toward the falls -- a rather bland and barely effortful evocation, since the house still hovers above them -- and the reappearance of the adventurer Charles Muntz, who is far from the inspirational figure Carl and Ellie once found him to be.
Unlike the lush, elaborate, French-inspired, high Deco romanticism of the Chrysler Building, the Empire State's massing and design is a more simplified, commercial evocation of the Machine Age, a favorite theme of the time.
WSJ: The Empire State Building's Luster Returns | By Ada Louise Huxtable
For Portuguese speakers these works have long been an evocation of a seafaring heritage in which many take pride.
Mr Chaudhuri holds our attention with unobtrusive evocation of place, texture and humanity.
Spine, horn and claw become heel, last and vamp, a frightening yet beautiful evocation of the primordial soup from whence we came.
WSJ: High-Concept Enchantments: Review of Shoe Obsession at the Museum at FIT
His technique is painterly in its evocation of 19th century English artists.
WSJ: Jane Eyre, Mars Needs Moms and Red Riding Hood | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern
Novruz is associated with various local traditions, such as the evocation of Jamshid, a mythological king of Iran, and numerous tales and legends.
But the film's singular essence is its evocation of the scintillating intellect, the immature judgment and the emotional maelstrom that constitute Oliver's inner life.
The evocation of the horror of the sudden destruction of the French flagship L'Orient at the Battle of the Nile is particularly well done.
The conservatory houses the show's centerpiece, the Italian Renaissance Garden, an evocation of the Western world's oldest botanical allotment, established in Padua, Italy, in 1545.
WSJ: Big Pharma's Real Roots | Wild Medicine | New York Botanical Garden | By Joanne Kaufman
Her performance is so profound an evocation of worldly disgust and self-disgust that one feels as if Hill were there merely to feed her the lines.
Somehow, Donatello transforms a traditional devotional form into a potent evocation of an individual, pointing the way to the vividly personal paintings and sculptures of demure women and powerful men in subsequent galleries.
WSJ: The Renaissance Portrait | From Out of a Featureless Crowd | By Karen Wilkin
" Jazz on a Summer's Day " (New Yorker Video ): Bert Stern's remarkable evocation of the 1958 Newport Jazz Festival, plus a behind-the-scenes documentary of the celebrated still photographer at work on his only motion picture.
This somewhat forced moral structure is made up for by Ms de Loo's rich evocation of life in the Budapest ghetto and by her ability, in pared-down prose, to convey Kata's and Stefan's own confusions and anxieties.
Eva Beuys, the artist's widow, still lives in the city, and the gold-hued "Palazzo Regale" installation, with its evocation of ancient burial rituals, coupled with objects recalling the artist's own life, is of supreme importance, says Ms. Temkin.
But having read her wonderful evocation of Jewish Vitebsk, tsarist St Petersburg and modernist Paris, having lived as in a novel with the Hasidic families of Chagall and Bella Rosenfeld, his first wife, the reader will be hooked.
What I'll remember most vividly about Gus Van Sant's extraordinary " Elephan t" is not the violent climax -- his film is a fictional evocation of the shootings at Columbine High School -- but the state of grace that precedes it.
However, what lingers most vividly in the memory is his affectionate, gently mocking and frequently moving evocation in the first third of the book of a period and a society that, though not long gone, seems now to be from an entirely different age.