Either it slows at their behest, or it will collapse of its own accord.
Daimler-Benz may be hoping that the project will fall apart of its own accord.
If the private sector rebounds of its own accord, unemployment will fall and budget deficits will decline.
It was in the store for a couple of minutes and wandered out of its own accord.
BBC: Tesco said they did not know where the pony had come from
The yen may weaken of its own accord, given Japan's increased need for imports and diminished ability to export.
It neighed loudly several times before leaving the supermarket of its own accord.
BBC: Tesco said they did not know where the pony had come from
If an escape happened, a plant's operators would just turn it off and let it cool down of its own accord.
ECONOMIST: Prospects for a new type of nuclear reactor look mixed
Early on, Summers and others were hopeful that, with a rebound in the economy, the housing market would recover of its own accord.
Another 2.7% is the cyclical deficit, which should disappear of its own accord as the economy recovers boosting tax revenues and reducing unemployment benefit payments.
It will broadly come of its own accord through technological development.
Restraining supply after a year in which oil demand globally ran at a 5.6% rate will only be satisfactory if the global economy slows of its own accord.
FORBES: Our Enemies--Iran, Libya, Venezuala-- Voted Not To Increase Oil Supply
In reality the world next month, or next quarter, will look very different from today, because the firm has impacted the world and because the world will have changed of its own accord.
But, by and large, every government since the troubles began has followed a policy of wait and hope: of postponing painful reforms in the hope that the economy will revive of its own accord.
His contention that his position on gay marriage is evolving looks at best lame and at worst dishonest - as though he is a mere spectator neutrally watching his own position develop of its own accord.
The government has set up a new quango in response, which is what governments do when they don't want to be seen to be doing nothing, but expect an issue to go away of its own accord.
The hope seems to be that, sooner or later, the ringgit will reach a level that is so obviously undervalued that it will bounce back of its own accord, without the painful period of monetary stringency seen in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Mr Hurd, the charities minister, told the Daily Telegraph that the government would honour its pledges on universality but he would personally welcome pensioners who chose of their own accord to give the money to good causes.