And obviously, the hardship that occurred because of that made that dream even a little bit further out of reach for too many people.
It is roughly five years since the US housing market bubble started to deflate, helping to tip the economy into recession and exposing the extent of the sub-prime mortgage scandal in which many people took out loans that they had little prospect of repaying.
However, many people have little sense of how to furnish or decorate a home.
It appears that the opening ceremony is gearing up to be a spectacular beginners' guide to modern British history aimed at a billion people, many of whom know little of our "isle full of noises" or the native tongue.
Mr. JOHN GANNON (Senior Vice President, Office of Investor Education, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority): Many people think that the typical victim of investment fraud is a little old widow sitting there by herself, alone.
And with so little growth in the job market, many of these unemployed people will never work again.
Auto-enrollment thus makes more people save, but many of them save too little.
This is a beautifully concise summary of the history of everything, though many people would regard it as lacking a little in detail.
ECONOMIST: The quest to explain the structure of the universe
However, H1N1 turned out to be a very mild flu: many people experienced little more than a few days of sniffles, much like a common cold.
Yet in a world where professional sports are lavished with so much attention, it is increasingly easy to dismiss that the fastest-growing and most-consistent market is nevertheless where a good many people little expect it: at the bottom of the pyramid, in youth sports.
Many young people just leaving school or college have little chance of finding decent work.
However, many of the rarer cancers which affect young people like sarcomas have made little or no progress.
Those people who work for the IRS. They are really nice people, but a little cynical and not many of them art experts.
FORBES: Is Art Advisory Panel Giving Taxpayers A Fair Shake ?
There's this dish here that I think would be a little difficult for many people in this country--offal of the day.
This great news about the housing market seems a little like the plethora of lottery winners in the movie, too many people cashing in spoils the prize.
FORBES: 5 Reasons Homeowners Should Be Skeptical About The Real Estate Recovery
Professor Chen Zhiwu of the Yale School of Management says there are so many people profiting from such puffery that there is little demand for accurate financial reporting.
ECONOMIST: Big-five audits are no longer the standard to aspire to
Since that process has happened a little more slowly than many people expected, though, a few of those fish are getting pretty big.
While many people are agonizing over how closely kids are tracked online, tracking of the little ones in the offline world is taking a Mickey Mouse-sized leap forward.
FORBES: It's An Easily-Tracked World After All. Disney Parks Are Getting RFID-Enabled 'MagicBands.'
It is impossible to make an exact prediction, especially without knowing the exact details of his medical history, but my many years of experience taking care of people in their eighth decade tells me that he has little reserve, that stress is a major factor, and that things can go south in a hurry.
While many people are awed by what we're doing, plenty of others are more than a little horrified.
BBC: How we quit our jobs to travel: The digital power couple
Too many people were granted too many mortgages with too little down payment, at too low of interest rates.
He said in many cases the people who guard the victims are simply hired hands who have little contact with the organizers of the kidnapping.
Families are close, but there's little work, so many people spend as long as two years away from home in the sweatshops of big Asian cities or in the construction sites of the Persian Gulf.