• At the very least, it should add to the sources of innocent merriment already available to the observing citizenry.

    BBC: Planning for the future

  • Normally, I would tell a joke, but I'm told that we have to get out of here pretty soon and I have a longer than usual talk, so you'll have to suffer the absence of any merriment here because the tidings I bring in my talk are very grim indeed.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Norman Podhoretz receives the Center's Mightier Pen Award

  • There are intimidating fugal choruses, sublimely extended operatic arias, frenzied instrumental interludes, weird chords galore, episodes of almost irreverent dancing merriment.

    NEWYORKER: The Book of Bach

  • Amid the merriment and the information exchange, the adolescents develop eyes for one another, in view of their elders and peers.

    NEWYORKER: Looking for Someone

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