• This ill-motivated and superficial attack on 20th-century philosophy contains a nice expression of the lasting intellectual difficulty the church faces in the modern world: the statements, one paragraph apart, that the church has no philosophy of its own but that modern philosophy has fallen into error.

    ECONOMIST: The Roman Catholic church

  • But as we move further towards the end of the ten-year predicted life of the Xbox 360, it will become progressively harder to justify replacing it with a more modern implementation of the same philosophy, I think.

    FORBES: 10 years of the Xbox - will the box survive another 10?

  • His provocative reasoning on a host of topics kick-started modern British philosophy.

    ECONOMIST: Britain��s first modern philosopher

  • Mr Blair is the first prime minister since the second world war to enunciate a detailed philosophy of British power in the modern world.

    ECONOMIST: Anti-war Americans

  • Tokyo architect Hideyuki Nakayama said the home, while aesthetically modern in every sense, is true to the spirit and philosophy of old Kyoto homes, which integrated public and private space seamlessly in a way that created a sense of flow.

    WSJ: Tiny New House, Old Kyoto Soul

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