Some forward-looking cities are leading on solving the energy-nexus equation, some out of necessity.
Because wireless operators of necessity use incumbent land-line configurations in moving from network to network.
Of necessity, the company is pushing further into the Web, social media and mobile phones.
During the heart of the recession, people took on portfolio careers out of necessity.
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This listing of events bearing on U.S. security policy is, of necessity, a partial one.
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But Alistair Darling has decided he's got to make a virtue out of necessity.
But some young workers may be turning towards a staid financial life out of necessity.
"Here was a genuinely co-operative effort in thrift, born of necessity, " said a supporter in 1947.
He had a part-time job as well, and his wife also worked, out of necessity.
Although it is out of necessity, not choice, McCain once again finds himself the underdog.
Naming Mr. Regmi is a "principle of necessity in an odd situation, " he said.
Obama said Thursday that reform is a matter of necessity -- and not politics.
In many instances it's been proven that, out of necessity, Sudanese have a short-term memory.
"There are fundamental issues of necessity, principle, cost and viability that remain unanswered, " he said.
Or is that right foreclosed because exercising it would of necessity involve a prohibited importation?
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Making a virtue out of necessity has become an art for the Health Secretary.
This all sounds modest and coherent, even if it is making a virtue out of necessity.
He thinks of men as being shepherds of other men, who of necessity must therefore be sheep.
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True door-to-door field sales is almost extinct, and has of necessity become a hybrid by our definition.
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It is a principle of jurisprudence that a general and public need brings the status of necessity.
To the mass market, the mobile is the Internet platform, perhaps not of choice, but of necessity.
Windows users who want to switch to Mac are often stuck using their old PC out of necessity.
While borne of necessity, this bare bones approach to exercise should motivate those inclined to making sedentary excuses.
At Betterment, the growth stage investing service I founded in 2008, we began taking calls out of necessity.
"Of necessity, we had to put a dedicated sales force together, " says Mann.
Choosing sides in such legislative battles came of necessity as much as desire.
It will require a schedule of necessity for education to catch up with those rapid social and economic changes.
Taras Grescoe, a Montreal-based writer, believes Canadian niceness is born of necessity.
The networking complexities we endure out of necessity today won't be acceptable in the networked home or business of tomorrow.
Perhaps, dimly, I can see the end from where I am, but there is, of necessity, a long haul ahead.
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