But the work is performed with a sense of purpose that "love" doesn't capture.
Much more recently, I co-founded Avaaz and Get Up, which inspired the creation of Purpose.
Instead the disaster brought new energy and a sense of purpose to the Big Easy.
Moments like those make me think Nathaniel will have a life of purpose one day.
And in the process, maybe it can help America get its sense of purpose back.
Resistance was often their sole means of maintaining a sense of purpose, and so their sanity.
"Ours is not an alliance of convenience -- it's a partnership of purpose, " Brown said.
So I think what we see is a very serious sense of purpose here.
If you're serious about change, you need consistency of argument and clarity of purpose.
And I want to make sure that this country retains that sense of purpose.
But he did tweak the team, if not in philosophy then certainly in terms of purpose.
But if their organisation is loose, the protesters show a remarkable unity of purpose.
People rose to their feet gradually and with a sense of purpose and obligation.
BCCI's financial condition prove not misfeasance, but the Bank's open process and seriousness of purpose.
What you find is clarity of purpose and one big vision for the globe.
Judges in India often relax their rulings if those involved are showing sincerity of purpose.
Creating a sense of purpose about understanding new big data sets will gradually increase your analytical capacity.
Find the sense of purpose and direction you need to gain real value from your college career.
FORBES: Social Entrepreneurship Is Bringing Purpose To Higher Education
The trouble is, most people and companies lack a clear sense of purpose in the first place.
In terms of giving employees a sense of purpose, he might be just what the doctor ordered.
You need to develop a sense of purpose and values that you can be totally comfortable with.
"There is a need for political will and honesty of purpose while implementing this law, " he said.
For Cuadrado, there's plenty of purpose, but he doesn't let analysis get in the way of spontaneity.
Establishing a formal presence also demonstrates to potential customers a seriousness of purpose with respect to China.
Which leads to the second point: At the gut level there is no unity of purpose today.
Consequently, the Center recommends that the United States proceed now with clarity of purpose, prudence and determination.
There are a zillion books and resources for finding a sense of purpose and point in your life.
If you have character, if you have strength of purpose or integrity of purpose, people listen to you.
They grieved for a time when leadership was defined by a single-minded, straightforward sense of purpose and direction.
To a CIO, a computer that was too attractive or cute radiated a lack of seriousness of purpose .