• But centre Jaike Carter's fourth-minute try merely had the effect of stinging Sale into life.

    BBC: Sale 97-11 Cetransa El Salvador

  • Khan's punishing jab comes in a flash and he can unleash a swarm of stinging blows in a nanosecond.

    WSJ: Boxing Braces for the Wrath of Amir Khan

  • The public has listened to years of stinging revelations detailing how the government tied its own hands in stopping the devastating attacks of September 11.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Our right to security

  • Clownfish live happily amongst the tentacles of poisonous stinging sea anemones, a relative of the jellyfish, thanks to a protective layer of mucous.

    BBC: Sting relief for summer swimmers

  • He had not forgotten his time at the citadel, but his memory was heavily veiled by his final days there and the days afterward, his arduous trek, the burrs and splinters of glass stinging his paws, the dense, watery taste of the bloated dead.

    NEWYORKER: The Tiger��s Wife

  • For Leighton Andrews, the jagged edge has just been delivered in the form of a stinging slap around the cheeks from Amanda Spielman, the chair of Ofqual.

    BBC: Putting the cross into cross border

  • Of all stinging invectives, being called a liar is near the top.

    FORBES: How To Catch A Liar

  • Virgin Train's service from Birmingham New Street to London Euston was also the subject of some stinging criticism, with Dawn Hickey calling it "dismal".

    BBC: The Bad

  • He professes devotion to the principles of the welfare state, but he wrote a stinging criticism of the Nordic model in his youth.

    ECONOMIST: Out with the Social Democrats, in with the Moderates

  • Most of all, Jews all over the world hope to hear the German Benedict speak clearly, at the central site of Hitler's final solution, about the Holocaust and to make a stinging condemnation of anti-Semitism, which is reasserting itself in many European countries, especially Poland.

    NPR: Pope's Tour of Poland Ends with Visit to Auschwitz

  • Proof of the Vatican's irritation came with a stinging statement Saturday complaining of "unverified, unverifiable or completely false news stories, " even suggesting the media is trying to influence the election of the next pope.

    CNN: Benedict XVI enters last day as pope

  • Shots on target could be counted one hand and the best of those came in the second half with Manchester City forward Roque Santa Cruz stinging the hands of All Whites keeper Mark Paston with a 25-yard free-kick.

    BBC: Paraguay 0-0 New Zealand

  • In the early 1900s, while he was working on a revision of Triumphant Democracy that would have brought him a renewed flood of royalties, Bridge got word that Carnegie, still stinging from a series of rebukes from labor, would not permit a reissue of the book.

    NPR: Excerpt: 'Meet You In Hell'

  • Unfortunately for the Blues faithful he was being granted the freedom of the city down the Birmingham right and he twice tried his luck from distance, stinging the hands of goalkeeper Ben Foster with his second effort.

    BBC: Birmingham 0-0 Wigan

  • Cranberry juice is said to alleviate cystitis, a stinging inflammation of the bladder usually caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI).

    BBC: Cranberry juice 'not effective' against cystitis

  • The case has attracted huge attention in Germany, has prompted stinging criticism of the German security services and led to high-level resignations.

    BBC: Beate Zschaepe: German neo-Nazi trial delayed

  • Perhaps the fast-moving consumer goods category is a sweet spot in the Russian economy that will nevertheless not attract the stinging wasps of the state.

    FORBES: Investing's Milk Run in Russia

  • After United's FA Cup exit at the hands of Portsmouth last season, Ferguson launched a stinging attack on referee Martin Atkinson's handling of the game and said Hackett was "not doing his job properly".

    BBC: FA to look into Ferguson remarks

  • It is hard for the art games scorpion to hold itself back from stinging the toad of popular appeal.

    FORBES: Cantabile-do Attitude: Bient?t l'?t��, Tale of Tales' Art Piece, Forces Its Way Onto Steam

  • Routledge almost grabbed a second, his volley stinging the gloves of Camp.

    BBC: Sport - Football - Newcastle 2-0 Nottm Forest

  • Aberdeen signalled their early intent after the interval, with Foster stinging the palms of Ma-Kalambay with a fierce shot before Michael Paton shot over a minute later.

    BBC: Anthony Stokes celebrates scoring at Pittodrie

  • And goalkeeper Jung Sung-ryong was forced into his first genuine save of the match when he parried Theofanis Gekas's stinging shot on the turn from the edge of the box over the bar for a corner in the 81st minute.

    BBC: South Korea 2-0 Greece

  • Petrov collected possession on the right-hand side of the Stoke penalty area and lashed a stinging effort past former Villa goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen, who appeared to lose sight of the ball as it flew through a crowd of bodies.

    BBC: Aston Villa 2-2 Stoke

  • The heater was on high, belting out a stinging warmth that smelled of the little cardboard pine-tree air freshener dangling from the rearview mirror.

    NEWYORKER: Friendly Fire

  • His anti-slavery bill, introduced every year, is easily defeated, and Wilberforce is getting rained on stinging cold downpours, of the type much favored by movie directors, douse his suffering body whenever he goes out.

    NEWYORKER: Free Spirits

  • Last term, a divided court upheld Michigan's voter approved ban on race based admissions programs at public colleges that was passed in 2006 with 58 % of the vote, over a stinging dissent written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

    CNN: Michigan affirmative action ban upheld

  • " Richard Berke calls speech "the most stinging and unabashedly partisan assault of the convention.

    CNN: The politics junkie: The Republican (Old) Guard

  • That has brought a stinging rebuke and the threat of a lawsuit from the European Commission.

    ECONOMIST: Romanies

  • In order to help protect close relatives, termites have been found to explode during fights, bees die after stinging, while the members of another species of ant have been found to condemn themselves to death by sealing in a nesting colony from the outside.

    BBC: Earth News - Heroic altruistic ants face death alone to save colony

  • For decades, Greenpeace has wanted nothing to do with him a rebuke that is particularly stinging because he was a founder of the organization.

    NEWYORKER: Neptune��s Navy

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