Protected by its relatively large budget, the 1970s saw Panorama flourishing in this decade of strife.
One resident living near Gardiners Lane said the issue of traveller settlements had caused "20 years of strife".
BBC: Dale Farm eviction: Council to lease traveller site land
So the missing piece for Peace: resolve the underlying cause of strife rather than tussling with the symptoms.
FORBES: To Bring True Peace To The Middle East, Women In Palestine And Israel Must Take Center Stage
In Lebanon, violence, war and other forms of strife are as permanent a part of the terrain as its breathtaking mountains.
In the 1960s, re-reading the Cabinet debates of In Place of Strife, everyone was telling Harold Wilson not to push it.
Aside from being the source of a delightfully distracting kind of strife that would be hard to give up, love triangles can conclude catastrophically.
FORBES: New American Slogan: Life, Liberty, and Love Triangles
Cathy Bolshaw, of STRiFE, said keeping the "vital piece" of Park Street land in public ownership was important because it was "crucial" to the development.
BBC: Thousands sign St Albans rail freight terminal petition
After four decades of strife, many Angolans prefer stability to freedom.
It could take years of strife for that to sink in.
ECONOMIST: The West must get tougher with Slobodan Milosevic
West Bengal has a lexicon of strife, with goons who flex political muscles on the streets and widespread gheraos (taking bosses hostage) and bandhs (general strikes).
In many ways, Haiti is a failed state: the latest chapter in its long history of strife saw the ousting of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in February.
On Saturday, Mr Maliki appeared to blame the conflict in Syria for the surge in sectarianism as he warned of strife "knocking on the doors of everyone".
BBC: Iraq Sunni unrest prompts TV channel licence suspension
We shall continue to work for a Middle East that is free of strife and violence, living in harmony without the threat of terrorism or dangers of weapons of mass destruction.
Many business leaders face some of the same obstacles Sundhage had to deal with when she took over a team that was coming off a stressful period full of strife between players themselves and between players and the head coach at the time.
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Tokyo has differed from similar pledging conferences of recent years in one important respect: unlike in the cases of Bosnia, or Kosovo, or even East Timor, no formal international structure is being set up to co-ordinate the reconstruction effort and to shoulder much of the burden of administering a country that, after more than 20 years of strife, has only the most rudimentary governmental mechanism of its own.
The combination of economic reforms and high oil prices have propelled the Nigerian economy forward, giving a important boost to Africa's most populous country ravaged by years of domestic strife and the effects of military dictatorship.
In the current context of civil strife, UNESCO is also particularly concerned about the risks of looting and pillaging of cultural property.
While the violence in Iraq has dropped since the peak of sectarian strife between 2005 and 2007, Iraqi residents continue to express concerns over the stability of the country and the efficacy of its security forces.
You know, there's a reason that we have separation of church and state in this country and that we've been spared a lot of the religious and sectarian strife of many other countries.
And even during the country's time of incredible strife, its culinary traditions endure and comfort.
After years of labor strife in the 1990s, a new provincial premier was elected in 2003.
They must stand up and speak with one voice in condemning all forms of communal strife.
Perhaps the Google Goggles are too rose-colored: Google has been criticized before for ignoring the possibility of familial strife.
But in the '70s, the talk was of crime and racial strife, of burning neighborhoods and empty municipal coffers.
With their mixed Sunni and Shia populations and legacy of civil strife, both Lebanon and Iraq are increasingly on a knife-edge.
ECONOMIST: Syria��s war is both worrying the region and infecting it
No-one's nostalgic, but 23 years after the Winter of Discontent, Britain could well be heading for another season of industrial strife.
By any standard, it has been an exhaustively splendid trip, crammed at once with private anxiety and lofty overviews of public strife.
There was also speculation in the mid-'90s that baseball's powers-that-be livened up the ball to spark fan interest during a time of labor strife.