The Alzheimer's Society said that a large rise in the capital threshold could take thousands of people "out of the firing line" for huge costs.
Monye started the last two games at full-back, having been switched from his regular position on the wing, but was moved out of the firing line against Argentina after a nightmare first half.
Even on paper, the funding now available would not be enough to cover the financing needs of all of the countries in the firing line for any length of time.
Sporting sassy names like The National Nectar, Ancient Rome, The Hen of the Golden Eggs, Firing Line, The Worst Is Nothing and Men Without Fear, most of these dives are patronised by a handful of elderly men who tote their own containers to be filled.
The French judge - who has been working on terrorism cases since 2000 - has no doubt that France is in the firing line of the jihadists.
Mr Solbes, as the commissioner in charge of Eurostat, is particularly in the firing line.
The decision by Germany's Constitutional Court Wednesday to dismiss a complaint against Europe's permanent bailout fund helped ease pressure on borrowing costs for Italy and Spain, the countries next in the firing line of Europe's sovereign debt crisis.
But on January 6th Mr Obama was back in the firing-line, accused of making another dubiously qualified appointment in the shape of Sanjay Gupta, a TV presenter and doctor, to be surgeon-general.
From 1929 to 1932 the main government in the firing line - America - operated a pro-cyclical policy of deflation: that is, making the downturn worse in the belief that it would "cleanse the system".
Up until the BP disaster, banks have been the devil incarnate, but BP is now in the firing line and banks are out of it.
'Firing Line' brings together the history of The Royal Welsh regiment and the 1st The Queens Dragoon Guards - also known as the Welsh Cavalry.
Lt James MacDonald of the third Battalion The Parachute Regiment put himself in the firing line to identify a Taliban sharpshooter earlier this year - before leading a team to neutralise the threat.
There may therefore be an expectation that Mr Murdoch's son, James Murdoch, will be more in the firing line when it comes to the forensic questioning of the committee's members - though at the relevant times, his responsibilities went wider than News International's British newspapers, so he too may not be able to provide answers to everything the committee wishes to know.
"This is yet another illustration of why abandoning our deficit reduction plan would put Britain back in the international firing line, " a spokesman said.
Individual ministers and civil servants will find themselves in the firing line in coming days, but most damaging for the government will be the charge of incompetence.
"Although developing countries didn't make this crisis, it has become all too clear that they are in the firing line when it comes to suffering its worst effects, " Claire Melamed, Head of Policy at ActionAid said in a statement accompanying the report.