Each electronic component, he decided, could be made of the same type of material and integrated into a whole.
Estate agent Martin Lewthwaite said properties of the same type were in demand because they rarely went on the market.
What if clients pick up the phone and ask to keep different beneficiaries for separate IRAs of the same type?
Vanguard has decided that, as of mid-September, it will require customers to use identical beneficiaries for all IRAs of the same type.
Fidelity and Charles Schwab, which hold the most IRA assets, said clients can name different heirs for different accounts of the same type.
Flights by other aircraft of the same type have been halted.
Even multiple examples of the same type of bone can mislead.
Stephenson believes that illustrated digital titles will take off with consumers when publishers build several of the same type and sell them through a proprietary app.
FORBES: A Possible Digital Solution for Illustrated Book Publishers?
They are concentrating on a study of stable isotopes - atoms of the same type but with different masses - and trace elements in the birds' feathers.
The CDC then examined autopsy tissue from the donor and determined he had died of the same type of rabies, which is spread by raccoons, according to the CDC.
It's possible that doctors will use it with other drugs of the same type, so the FDA may want more studies on the combination of sugammadex with other muscle relaxants.
The odd thing about prion diseases is that the misfolded protein in question somehow acts as a catalyst for other protein molecules of the same type to misfold in the same way.
Fidelity and Charles Schwab (nasdaq: SCHW - news - people ), which hold the most IRA assets, said clients can name different heirs for different accounts of the same type.
If you're one of 170, 000 customers who now have different beneficiaries named for separate IRAs of the same type or different beneficiaries for different mutual funds within a single IRA, Vanguard will apply the newest beneficiary form to all your IRAs of one type--unless you contact Vanguard and direct otherwise.
Taking a lead from the utility market, where OPower uses data from utilities to let consumers know how their energy use stacks up against comparable households, the car companies could let customers know how their fuel efficiency compares with other owners of the same type of vehicle, then suggest ways to improve.
FORBES: How Traditional Automakers Can Still Win Against Google's Driverless Car: Part 5
Equally importantly, the Higgs allows two of the four forces in nature -- the electromagnetic force and the weak force, which is responsible for most nuclear reactions -- to be unified and described by mathematics of the same type that describe the other two known forces, the so-called strong force and gravity.
Poor mimics, though they may not do as well as a good mimic in an area where its model lives, will tend to do better in an area where the model is entirely absent, but where there is another model of the same general type.
This is a type of electromagnetic wave (ie, the same type of wave as a light wave).
The newer crop of services aren't making the same type of claims as Startup Predictor, an automated tool that once promised to predict what a start-up's valuation would be at the end of three years.
"We looked at autonomous operations of equipment as being the same type of technology that could be used on the moon as well as in a mining application, " said Michele Blubaugh, manager of Intelligence Technology Services at Caterpillar.
The stack of black cards near the bottom are all the same type of Citi card.
And the government has continued to highlight that individual schools can have very different patterns of results than other schools with the same type of intake.
Today all of these notebooks offer about the same type of coverage but in those days there was a huge difference.
The military distributed the same type of food rations in that country, which also were the same color as ordnance.
In addition, the FLSA provides that the volunteer services cannot be the same type of services that the individual is employed to perform for the agency.
The information that AOL revealed is essentially the same type of data that the U.S. Department of Justice demanded from the company and its search competitor Google in March.
The researchers knew this because they had introduced a radioactive tracer that selectively binds to the same type of receptor in the brain, the mu-opioid variety, as the endorphins.
The information that AOL revealed is essentially the same type of data that the U.S. Department of Justice demanded from the company and its search competitor Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) in March.
To meet these standards, new facilities will not be allowed to exceed emissions of the least polluting power plant currently using the same type of fuel.
FORBES: Paul Krugman's Toxic Shock Syndrome: Mercury Madness
Australia is the only major democracy to use the same type of AV system as the one being proposed for the UK, but voting is compulsory there.