The actor played Ariel in Julie Taymor's recent film adaptation of The Tempest opposite Dame Helen Mirren.
After all, doing otherwise would have been like selling hurricane insurance in the midst of the tempest!
Tempestuous , a humorous reimagining of The Tempest with a lead character named Miranda Prospero, comes out today.
The version of "Sweet Airs" (the fourth movement of "Tempest Fantasy") above is taken from a performance at the 2003 Grand Canyon Chamber Music Festival (now known simply as the Grand Canyon Music Festival).
And while those of his films set in Britain have painted a darkly comic picture of the country, "Isles of Wonder" -- the "Tempest"-inspired extravaganza which kicked off the Games -- proved much more of a celebration of the nation.
And the effect, of a whirling sonic tempest, turns the piece into a dazzling feat of poetic and technical virtuosity.
Prince of Tyre, Taming of the Shrew, The Tempest, Troilus and Cressida, Twelfth Night, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Winter's Tale.
BBC: CBBC Newsround | SHAKESPEARE | Shakespeare the playwright
His neighbours have fled the tempest of tribal killing that has raged through Ituri, a province in north-eastern Congo, in recent months.
Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality insists the issue is a tempest in a garbage bag, pointing out that 80% of solid waste going into landfills last year was Michigan's own and that total waste fell by 5% last year.
The opening weekend includes large-scale productions such as the National Ballet of China's The Peony Pavilion and Mokwha Repertory Company's version of Shakespeare's Tempest.
In January, Olympic ceremony artistic director Danny Boyle revealed that the theme of the event on 27 July was inspired by Shakespeare's The Tempest.
Andrew Tempest Mitchell, of the West Yorkshire Police Federation, previously said he was "worried from a West Yorkshire perspective that we don't have an active unit within the policing area, which is quite large".
BBC: Yorkshire merged police underwater search unit launches
Others think the weight issue is a bit of a tempest in a Kiddush cup.
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He believes that all of the current hubbub will eventually amount to a tempest in a teapot.
Later, after a small tempest of protest, YouTube unblocked the video, saying that it was not a copyright violation.
He added that the stadium's 27-tonne bell was being cast on Friday at London's Whitechapel Foundry - where 13.5-tonne Big Ben was cast in 1856 - and would be inscribed with a quote from The Tempest's Caliban: "Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises".
BBC: London 2012: Isles of Wonder theme for Olympic ceremony
Another recent example was the tempest in a teapot about the Instagram Terms of Service.
All this is kind of a tempest in a teapot, but also because with the extended followup data, the discussion isn't even about the current data.
But this is the age of social media, where even a trite ad can stir up a tempest.
FORBES: Dr. Pepper Ad Stirs the Mother of Evolution Battles on Facebook
The sudden retirement of Chief Executive Davinder Brar has set off speculation in some corners that Tempest, a nine-year company veteran, is just warming the seat for Malvinder Singh, the founder's grandson.
Twitter lit up with rumors, spreading fears of the worst for Wayne's outcome, but a Tweet in his name attempted to calm the tempest.
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Twitter has lit up with rumors, spreading fears of the worst for Wayne's outcome, but a Tweet in his name attempted to calm the tempest.
Norman Tempest, managing director of Royal Stafford Tableware in Burslem, said most shoppers were not really bothered about the origin of manufacture.
One of those friends is writer Terry Tempest Williams, who recalls watching Murie testify at a Congressional hearing 25 years ago on the fate of 100 million acres of Alaskan wilderness.