The highlight of the afternoon was Abendanon's spectacular try to earn off-colour Bath's second win in eight days.
But we all rather cringe at his stream of off-colour jokes. (Our Nordic cousins look particularly pained.) And he will flash his money around.
The best opportunities the pair had were presented to them by the home side - in particularly an off-colour Brede Hangeland - but these they spurned.
But once an off-colour joke or ill-considered rant has been emailed to a friend or posted online, it can be much harder to get rid of.
Harrington, the winner in 2007 and 2008, hit a double bogey at the first and never managed to recover on a day where his putting was badly off-colour.
BBC: The Open 2010: Rory McIlroy delighted with record round
And in the first half at the Mbombela Stadium in Nelspruit there seemed little doubt that they would win the contest after producing a performance of attacking intent against an off-colour Australia.
India also needs a bigger, better pool of tested players - the team cannot be expected to continue to rely on the redoubtable talents of the injury-prone Zaheer Khan, ageing batting superstars (Dravid, Laxman, Tendulkar and Sehwag have a combined age of 144 years) and off-colour spinner Harbhajan Singh alone.
He and his research team are in the final stages of developing a PlatinumFish, for those who think that gold is a little downmarket, and they soon expect to be able to match any metallic shade that a fish-fancier fancies (though this service will be significantly more expensive than buying an off-the-shelf colour).
It does everything from breeding new seeds and cattle, to creating ultra-thin edible wrapping paper for foodstuffs that changes colour when the food goes off, to running a nanotechnology laboratory creating biodegradable ultra-strong fabrics and wound dressings.
So called rainbow proteins (a spin-off from work into bioluminescence), which change colour in response to particular compounds, are also an option for detecting environmental toxins, or the potential agents of terrorism.
Participants also ward off evil during the festival by bathing in flower-scented water, wearing five-colour silk, hanging plants such as moxa and calamus over their doors, and pasting paper cut-outs in their windows.