Agents deployed on foreign assignments will in future receive briefings on arrival that include "off-limit zones and off-limit establishments".
If the Broadcast Flag cannot be used, program providers will have to weigh whether the risk of theft is too great over free, off-air broadcasting and could limit such high-quality programming to only cable, satellite and other more secure delivery systems.
There had been an expectation that the agency might try to limit off-label use.
There are also guidelines requiring one-handed operation and a two second limit on "off-road glances" - the time spent looking at the device.
August was a particularly unfortunate month: it began with a reckless stand-off over raising the national debt limit and a downgrade to America's credit rating, and ended with a hurricane.
Still, if you're trying to limit saturated fat in your diet by enjoying low- and fat-free foods, the trade-off may be worth it if you limit sodium in other areas.
That deal put off further wrangling on the federal borrowing limit until mid-May.
CNN: Obama calls for short-term fix to imminent spending cuts
Perhaps not much sign of focus there, but this is a slimmed-down bank half way through its run-off programme, and half way through the time limit it set itself for turnaround.
There's no limit on the amount of data you can store though, which is not surprising, but each individual archive does have a 40TB limit -- so those DNA back-ups are off the menu.
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The scheme called for an end to discounting of alcohol by off licences and supermarkets, laws on alcohol labelling and reducing the drink-drive limit.
The current stand-off has its roots in a failed 2011 attempt to tackle the government debt limit and budget deficit.
Beyond this 200-day limit, the confidence in the performance of the vehicle drops off, and in particular in the status of the propellant in their manoeuvring thrusters.
It acted to limit the tightening that would automatically have taken place with the run-off of mortgage backed securities.
While the plant owners are responsible for managing efforts to limit the fallout of radiation leaks on site, it is FEMA that is in charge of off-site activities.
Along with the Navy, EDS will screen software and limit internet connections to a half-dozen on-ramps that are monitored and can be cut off fast if attacked.