Being caught off guard so easily was very unbecoming for such a seasoned veteran.
The burial caught people off guard in Caroline County, which has about 30, 000 residents.
CNN: Sheriff: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's burial was handled properly
But even the other events reinforce the impression of a government caught off guard.
Yet even he was caught off guard by the intensity of the effort marshalled against him.
Bartolini and Busch agree that manufacturers and retailers will enter the holidays off guard.
FORBES: Will Electronics Shortages Cause Holiday Retail Crisis?
Putin was caught off guard, and nervously asked the moderator to move on to other questions.
FORBES: Russia And The Putin Rules: A Pessimistic Assessment
And truly, that's why I think this caught a lot of people off guard.
Chief Executive Frank Baldino vows that he will not be caught off guard.
Still, some in Chicago were caught off guard by the last gasp from Old Man Winter.
In contrast to the Asian reaction, the confrontation appears to have caught Europe slightly off guard.
Even DeLay's friend and fellow Texas Republican Pete Sessions seemed to have been caught off guard.
Friendster created the modern social network, but was caught off guard by its success.
They had conducted so many operations over the past nine years that few things caught them off guard.
But midway through the interview, he was caught off guard when his interviewer asked him for his Klout score.
Industry watchers seem caught off guard by the deal, and several don't see a clear rationale for the combination.
But al-Joulani distanced himself from al-Baghdadi's message, saying it took al-Nusra off guard.
Mrs Merkel, caught off guard, agrees in principle but thinks such a referendum still lies far in the future.
ECONOMIST: The supreme court wants to rule on the euro rescue
So news can strike the particular stock or sector or your emerging markets so quickly and take you off guard.
Either Apple is really caught off guard by the demand for the iPad, or it has some supply chain issues.
FORBES: Apple Says Its Sold So Many iPads In The US That It Can't Start Selling Them Abroad Yet
"In the wake of infidelity, most betrayed partners feel surprised and caught off guard, " says marriage and family therapist James Walkup.
Didier Drogba was injured in the Fulham penalty area when Essien headed home and Hughes conceded his side were caught off guard.
He obviously had not taken any steps to prepare to answer questions about that relationship and he was clearly caught off guard.
He was caught off guard, and tried to explain, then comfort her.
"We were caught off guard by some of the attacks, " says Viehbacher.
Obviously they feel caught off guard because of the lax regulation, in some cases, of the banking industry before the financial crisis.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
When an unexpected crisis occurs, we get caught off guard and are forced to react rather than respond with our highest-level thinking.
The shadow chancellor was forced to defend his performance in the Commons yesterday after many observers thought he was caught off guard.
MessageMe's Mr. Sethi said he was caught off guard by Facebook's block.
Mr. Seacrest has said that the incident caught him totally off guard.
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