Set just off shore, it was designed to absorb wave energy and spare Male further damage.
Instead of sending niche services to outsource firms, they are looking for a broad range of services off shore.
The remains of the ship are barely 7 meters deep off shore which ensures the safety of the students.
In 2007, it discovered an estimated 40 billion barrels of oil off shore.
The winter system will reach the nation's capital Wednesday, bringing either rain or snow to the area before rolling off shore.
This would also give business some incentive not to move off shore.
There are a few spots for snorkelling and swimming, but the farther off shore you go, the closer to surfing territory you get.
And then when we declare a dividend and move those funds back off shore and out of Argentina, there is another 0.6% transaction fee.
FORBES: No ��Material Effect�� Anticipated From Argentine Decree
Do you understand the security policies of your off shore providers?
The Spirit of Breydon, designed for the open water and tidal conditions of Breydon Water near Great Yarmouth, can also be used 60 miles (97km) off shore.
BBC: Breydon Water: Broads Authority launches new patrol boat
The waters off North Carolina's coast, for a host of environmental factors including sharp winds, shifting currents, hurricanes and a large shoal off shore, make it particularly dangerous for shipping.
So you see, by common sense putting the money in our own off shore drilling would have many more benefits to our country rather than just jobs for parts companies.
FORBES: Dispelling the Brazil Oil Loan Myth as Obama Heads to Rio
Instead of carrying its destructive power further inland, the way superstorm Sandy did in early November, the nor'easter has begun taking its fury off shore, CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said.
Oops, that would necessarily include a halt to the importation of off shore animals to populate and fund the operations of shelters that do not have enough local rescues to justify their expanded operations.
FORBES: ASJ: What was Maisey��s life like before you got her?
Keep in mind that dollars are flowing into Brazil not because of portfolio investments or government high yielding bonds, per se, but because of the build up associated with the 2014 World Cup, 2016 Olympics and the ongoing billion dollar investments into Brazilian off shore oil production.
You may try to explode it, blow it up, whatever, depending on what you want to do with it, and in this case, they're going to send waves coming in off the shore, you know, lapping in off of Lake Pontchartrain, and they want to try to understand why the flood protection built by the Army Corps of Engineers did not hold up.
The risk increases as off-shore pollution increases and as more people eat more fish including shark.
They can keep paying lower tax rates than you do, keep their money in off-shore accounts.
Ice is more likely to break off from shore as temperatures rise in spring.
You could operate a mile or two mile off the shore - no problem.
If they are off-shore sourcing, you have to be concerned about quality and safety stock.
The final proposals for the development of an off-shore windfarm in Lincolnshire have been revealed.
The debate is important, and calm analysis may conclude that off-shore drilling generates more harm than benefit.
The ongoing oil spill in the Gulf has unleashed a vibrant debate about the value of off-shore drilling.
Facing corporate tax code regulations that restrict using off-shore cash to buy back stock, Apple had two possible options.
FORBES: High Taxes Upset The Apple Cart, And Angry Birds Force Change
The bottom line: off-shore, especially ultra-deep water, has been almost entirely responsible for sustaining increased global and U.S. production.
FORBES: U.S. Needs Deepwater Drilling Or It's In Deep Doo-Doo
With this motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
Companies have been cutting costs by introducing labor-saving technologies and by moving off-shore.
FORBES: Bernanke Administers Another Cruel Dose Of Financial Morphine With QE3
Connect the World blog: Should there be a full ban on off-shore drilling?
There are currently 26 in Wales with 482 onshore turbines and 30 off-shore.