Most western consumers are amateur enthusiasts like Fos, eagerly grabbing the latest miracle off the shelf.
Soutter had bought the name and distinctive kangaroo label off the shelf from an Adelaide designer.
Manufacturers prefer to have them designed to their specifications than to buy them off the shelf.
That's because, for the most part, they can't simply buy the mice off the shelf.
Which is an off the shelf part, not something that the electronics manufacturers themselves produce.
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But Chris L. Shaw, a UBS analyst, believes management won't take securities off the shelf anytime soon.
These are generic drugs we can take off the shelf that may help a lot of people.
Like cars, they lose a huge proportion of their value the moment they are taken off the shelf.
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Henceforth someone trying to build an engine could pluck a standard 8-gauge, 32-threads-per-inch machine screw off the shelf.
This configuration is compatible with an Open Rack system to provide an off the shelf SAS expander.
They found that the vast majority of the collection hadn't been taken off the shelf in five years.
"I've never seen a cigar fly off the shelf like this, " he beams.
MultiStem can be manufactured to scale, frozen and stored for several years, then delivered "off the shelf" for treatment.
But all of these, by the time they get to electronics, will be absolutely standard off the shelf components.
FORBES: My Nomination For Worst Law Of The Year: Dodd Frank On Conflict Minerals
Big motor homes require more engineering-intense parts like wrap-around windshields and driver cockpits that can't be bought off the shelf.
Crazy Bones may not knock Beanie Babies off the shelf, but it's catching on, and not just with small shops.
While Molycorp claims trade secrets, Avalon believes its planned refining processes will use standard off the shelf long established procedures.
But it certainly can be done with parts I can buy more-or-less off the shelf today from companies like Cisco.
Right now, consumers can walk into any Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) and pick up a Nintendo 3DS right off the shelf.
These are homes where authors turned ideas into page-turners, and maybe even inspired the next book choice you dust off the shelf.
"We're assemblers, but we're buying basic products off the shelf, " says Thompson.
The Air Force is working to see if it can develop a low-power quantum computer using holograms and off the shelf parts.
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It's not too difficult, but is still considerably more complicated than walking into the library and pulling a book off the shelf.
If we were dog food, they would take us off the shelf.
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Off the shelf production equipment can be used to complete the wells.
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When I was in grad school, I wrote my dissertation by going to the library and borrowing periodicals and books off the shelf.
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"Off the shelf" has lowered the price of the Guildford company's products, and it's constantly on the look-out for that next clever cross-over.
But we have to ask ourselves whether cost competition has ended up making software development a commodity that can be sold off the shelf?
One officer can be seen in the video taking water off the shelf and another appears to instruct looters to break a security camera.
We wanted to enter the marketplace in a hurry, and it was quicker to buy off the shelf than for us to make it.
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