But Prof Higgs stated that he disliked the term because it "might offend people who are religious".
BBC: Peter Higgs: honour for physicist who proposed particle
Their seats are safe from Democrats, so they have no wish to offend people with the power to deselect them in primary contests.
If one of us tweeted about the delicious steak dinner, for example, we might offend people in our networks for whom cows are sacred.
When you have a committee, aren't you going to always offend some people?
By contrast, the Democrats will now portray the Republicans' failure as proof that impeachment would both exceed and offend the people's will.
Efforts to attach dollar figures to human life offend some people, but governments and courts do it often for insurance cases, disability payments, safety regulation and so forth.
Their approach may offend some people, but they said at the start they are not trying to do that or pick on anyone - they are trying to help.
"Freedom of expression does not entitle you to condescend or offend or insult people, " countered plaintiff Ali Emre Bukagili.
Then a committee will wade through the list and pick 100 or so that are the most appropriate--ones that can be pronounced, that might resonate with the intended market and don't offend the wrong people.
The Youth Justice Board should spend more of its annual budget on prevention rather than detention, they say, since once in custody, three-quarters of young people go on to offend again.
Now he has the opportunity to offend again, but if the people who came forward after the trial had had their evidence considered in additon to mine, a conviction would defintely have been secured.
Recent statistics show the number of people given community sentences who re-offend has fallen sharply by 13%.
Written by "Seinfeld" co-creator Larry David, who returned to the show just to write the final episode, the series finale offered a look back at many of the people the four had managed to insult and offend over the last nine years.
Assistant Chief Constable Julian Kirby said: "Our message to those who commit crime, including those people who think they are above the law and offend again and again, is that you won't be left alone".
BBC: Gwent Police 15% crime drop biggest in England and Wales
With any foreign language you engage in, you need to learn the history, culture and customs of the people in order to navigate the language effectively and not offend anyone.