The Capobiancos argue Brown had refused to offer any financialassistance to the biological mother until they were married and "wanted nothing to do" with the pregnancy.
Yet without a firmer offer of financialassistance from other euro-area countries and perhaps the IMF, the gain from belt-tightening measures could easily be swallowed in higher borrowing costs.
Smith later backed away from the assertion, saying in a written statement that no member of Congress had made any offer of financialassistance in exchange for his vote.
However, a spokesman for Vion said Graf Mortgage Corporation had not "provided clarity" on its offer, even though Vion was prepared to offer "substantial financialassistance" to support the purchase.
Worse still, as presently drafted, Congress would offer large-scale economic and financialassistance to Poland and Hungary without sufficient conditionality.
At a meeting on Tuesday, the council decided to serve a repairs notice but pledged to work with the hotel to offer "help, advice and financialassistance".