• This week, the United States took its first step to address the problems with the arrival in Baghdad of Paul Bremer, a former head of counter-terrorism in the State Department, to replace General Jay Garner as head of the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: America's first transition team has failed

  • But there are members of Congress who feel that the Department of Homeland Security's IG Office is in over its head on this one, and so there are a number of proposals out there.

    NPR: Post-Katrina Contractors in the Gulf Region

  • Seth Galanter, the head of the Education Department's civil rights office, said those problems created "a climate of fear" on the campus that drove some female students to quit.


  • Sir William Patey, then head of the Middle East Department at the Foreign Office, said the UK had been aware "of the drumbeats from Washington" when it came to regime change but wanted to "stay away from that end of the spectrum".

    BBC: Iraq inquiry told of 'clear' threat from Saddam Hussein

  • In 1994 Radik Yakutian, head of the investigative department of the Samara Region prosecutor's office, was assassinated while looking into organized crime at Avtovaz.

    FORBES: The Rise Of An Oligarch

  • Edward Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat, and spent the final two years of President Bill Clinton's administration as head of the Health and Human Services Department's civil rights office.


  • Another palace insider, Leonora de Jesus, has vacated her office as head of the Presidential Management Staff, and is waiting to take over a housing department to be created this year.

    CNN: Reinventing Estrada

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