When paired with a (separately sold) media station, for instance, the Cius acts as an office phone.
Numbers listed as 360 Aviation office phone lines were no longer in service.
Nokia has been turning around slowly after its gutsy decision to abandon its in-house smartphone platform and support Microsoft Office Phone operating system.
For 79 percent of business users, smartphones are the phone they use the most to conduct business, as compared to an office phone or home phone.
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Ms. Cudiner didn't answer her office phone on Friday afternoon.
In a case brought by Alison Halford, the former assistant chief constable of Merseyside police, the court ruled in 1997 that her privacy had been infringed because her internal office phone had been tapped by her colleagues after she made a complaint of sex discrimination.
For example: Typing in Intel (nasdaq: INTC - news - people ) turns up a single page with a brief company history including pictures of the founders, a company profile, annual sales, employees, office phone numbers, executive's names, stock charts and recent news.
The day I began, I had a new title, loads of files in my office, phone calls stacking up and no idea what to do first.
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Oh, by the way, the letter added, you can tell Amex not to share your credit history if you write a letter to one office and phone (toll free) another with instructions not to sell your name to telemarketers.
But creating a cybercity is not just about office space and phone lines.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Subcontinental Drift: The Original Cybercity
Typically they provided advice, along with office space, phone lines and copy machines.
Please give me a call (my office and cell phone numbers are below) or drop me an email at your convenience.
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Human resources departments use BPM to make sure a new employee gets an office, a phone, and access to corporate systems.
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The ODA press office's phone line was answered by an automated message saying it was closed until after the Paralympic Games end in September.
He said his office computer and phone systems were disconnected during his investigations and that people had been watching his house once he was suspended.
Featuring the latest version of Windows Phone, the HTC TITAN II enhances connectivity, efficiency and productivity for busy consumers with its large on-screen keyboard and instant access to Windows Phone Office Hub, Microsoft Exchange 2010 and Outlook Mobile.
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Applications will run anywhere they are needed: at home, in the car, in the office, on the phone.
One morning he shocked aides by stopping a meeting to phone the office of then Democratic Senator Paul Simon.
For example, once I was in a linguistically-complex contract negotiation with a South Korean mobile phone development office in Beijing.
Willison did not respond to calls to his office and his cell phone (the same number he used at Westmoore).
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Certain key apps from Google and Microsoft aren't available on iOS. For instance, you can only get the official smartphone version of Microsoft Office on a Windows Phone (though there are rumors of an iOS version).
Less than three decades ago, people had to stay in the office to get that important phone call.
And I set up Office 365 on a Windows Phone to access and edit documents on the go.
WSJ: Review of Office 365: A Fresh New Office Finds a Place in the Cloud
Runs Hikari Tsushin, cell phone retailer, office equipment supplier and telecom services provider.
No one answered the phone at the office of his attorney, Susan Calvello.
To satisfy Campbell's concerns regarding its operations, O'Neill agreed to keep a log of all business phone calls and office appointments.
New York State Senator Malcolm Smith, leader of the Senate Democrats in New York joined us by phone from his office in Albany.
But again, you could pick up the phone, just like I can pick up my phone in the office and relay you, April.