The seven-storey home of Gitex contains around 20, 000 square metres (215, 000 square feet) of office space, mainly let to technology firms and call centres.
But the key is to, on two tracks, let the patent office make the investments they need to get the backlogs down and speed up their process.
Wayne Lukas has earned the right to sit in an office and let his assistants do the grunt work in the stables.
That is surely why Mr Blair is happy to let her remain in office, a lame duck and not necessarily a game one, until the election.
There were a couple of days leading up to the big game that were less than productive when measured against the normal work week, but everyone in the office had a good time, we were able to let our hair down and enjoy a little camaraderie as friends.
FORBES: Is Company Culture Important? Four Ways to Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
In July 2010, Mexico's attorney general's office alleged that inmates from the prison were let out to kill rival drug gang members.
Let me use numbers from the Congressional Budget Office to illustrate.
Old folks sometimes have difficulty seeing, much less holding a pencil and writing, let alone walking to the mailbox or the post office itself.
The morale in the office will quickly rise back to its usual cheeriness if you refuse to let your co-workers dwell in their eggnog-induced daze.
FORBES: Back to the Grindstone: How to Beat the Post-Holiday Slump
The admissions office uses Microsoft's Net Meeting to conduct online chat sessions that let prospective students and their parents ask college administrators questions about admissions, financial aid and housing.
So I just want to let President Abbas know that I said when I took office this was an issue that I cared deeply about and I was willing to spend a lot of time and energy and political capital on.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Palestinian President Abbas
When Tom found out he was being let go, he wanted to throw his computer against his office window.
It has refused to let the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights set up an office in Sri Lanka.
On Tuesday, the TUC called on bosses to let staff watch the match either at work or away from the office if appropriate.
Let me explain how the investigation came to be handled by our office rather than by the Department of Justice or by some other independent counsel.
And for corporate partners like Pepsi, Sysco Foods, Office Depot and Grainger, we created platforms where sponsorships let them sell their products to millions of consumers.
The vote, which prevents Mr Zelaya from serving out his last two months in office, was part of an American-sponsored deal in which both leaders agreed to let the legislature decide the deposed president's fate.
Still, I refused to let myself completely off the hook, and as I left her office, I set forth on a path of self-discovery to identify how my actions might've contributed to how I felt -- a path that quickly brought up the ever-confusing chicken and egg game.
On January 20th, Mr Suharto, to nobody's surprise, let it be known that he was ready to serve a seventh term in office.
As he stands for a second term in office, he is yet to define clear-cut plans, for the economy of Iran, let alone reforms.
In theory it would let you yank the screen from the computer in the home office and use it to run that computer from the living room.
Yet universities cannot afford to get out of the law enforcement business, because the Office for Civil Rights won't let them.
Mr. Pink : Let's say you have a small design team in your office and you want to redesign your Web site.
Yet unlike office blocks or shopping malls, which sign leases with tenants for ten years or more, hotels have to let their rooms by the night.
ECONOMIST: Hotel owners and operators have their banks over a barrel
Let's understand, of course, that President Clinton debased the Office of the Presidency, but let's say once and for all that we are not going to have the political hijacking of the Office of the Presidency.
CNN: Sen. Ernest Hollings' closed-door impeachment statement
McCaw let Judja-Sato use Teledesic office space for 18 months while he formed a nonprofit called VillageReach to attack the problem of delivering vaccines.
Senator ENSIGN: I think that Republicans, or anybody who is in office, should look to - if a Democrat has an idea, if it's a good idea, let's get behind it.
The Governing Council gave warning that if the American administration let foreigners run Iraq's broadcasting service without consultation, the transitional government due to take office in July would sever the contract.