"A letter was written by press officers and I authorised that action, " he said.
Responding to previous accusations of disproportionate policing measures, ministers had claimed that 70 officers were injured.
Currently sworn police officers are servants of the Crown, not employees, so they cannot be made redundant.
Mr Clarke believes forces with fewer than 4, 000 officers are too small to meet these challenges alone.
One of the senior fire officers told us he had heard that his fire station was off-limits.
The New Orleans Police Department has some 1, 200 officers, about 300 short of its peak staffing level.
"The farm liaison officers can help farmers and nature recover after last year's flooding, " Mr Diamond said.
An Arsenal fan from Brixton, London, was arrested by football intelligence officers in connection with an earlier offence.
Was the ultimatum delivered under pressure from hot-headed junior officers threatening to take matters into their own hands?
Officers have also been searching in Lister Park about one mile from Mr Griffiths' home.
The man is being questioned by officers from the South East Counter Terrorism Unit.
Wal-Mart security officers were also present overnight, but he said he did not know how many.
It came to light when one of the officers on the course complained last month.
The IPCC said the information available did "not raise concerns" about the conduct of officers.
Additionally, four police cars were damaged as the officers dispersed the crowd, according to the government.
Instead, that decision would rest with officers who are trial counsels with prosecutorial experience.
Child welfare officers and police have now been ordered to investigate the teenager's claims.
Cleveland Police Commander Wayne Drummond was one of the first responding officers to the scene.
Police officers were "not above the laws they are expected to uphold", she said.
The Met has already referred four other current or former officers to the IPCC.
The animal, described by police as being "out of control", was shot by armed officers.
Both officers, who were in tears after the verdicts were returned, declined to comment.
The judge praised the officers who gave evidence for the prosecution about the offensive words.
He said CNC officers carry firearms and were trained to a national firearms standard.
Another three - Fratantonio Daniel, David Morella and Marco De Candussio - were coastguard officers.
The man has been identified by police, however officers are trying to trace his family.
Extra officers, dogs and police officers have also been drafted in from South Wales.
BBC: Banning orders warning ahead of Exeter and Plymouth match
They were interviewed by Environment Agency officers and bailed until 10 July pending further inquiries.
Sussex Police said both officers showed fearlessness and resolve in the face of extreme danger.
They don't need highway patrols or officers sitting on the sides of roads with radar guns.