We must increase official development assistance (ODA) in public health, including for building basic infrastructure.
Official development assistance will continue to play a key role in achieving these objectives.
Remittance flows to developing countries are now actually more than three times that of official development assistance.
We need more donors to increase official development assistance to 0.7 per cent of their gross national product.
European countries account for just over half of all global official development assistance.
In 2000 it provided official development assistance of only 0.1% of its gross national income--the lowest proportion among all donors.
Across the region, loans and grants as part of official development assistance (ODA) amount to a small part (5.6%) of all education spending.
World Bank president James Wolfensohn has urged leaders in high-income countries to increase official development assistance from the current level of 0.24% of GDP to 0.7% of GDP.
In the Oslo Declaration, adopted at the close of the meeting, they also urged development partners to increase official development assistance and give priority to investment in basic education.
That is UN-speak for a commitment developed nations like the United States undertook in 2002 to commit 0.7% of their gross domestic product to Official Development Assistance (ODA, also known as foreign aid).
According to this so-called "Monterrey Consensus, " the United States and other developed nations are obliged to provide 0.7 percent of their gross national income in foreign aid (also known as Official Development Assistance or ODA).
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: House votes to oppose ��globotaxes��!
The Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee, meeting from 24 to 28 July, will review preparations for the Conference and also assess progress in the implementation of international support measures for those countries, particularly in the areas of official development assistance (ODA), debt relief, investment and trade.
They contend that, pursuant to agreed Millennium Development Goals contained in the Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development (dubbed the "the Monterrey Consensus"), the United States and other developed nations are obliged to provide 0.7 percent of their gross national income in foreign aid (also known as Official Development Assistance or ODA).
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Orgs oppose ��globotaxes,�� give Bolton recess appt
Given the first two bills are pretty chewy, I doubt there will be much time left for Mark Hendrick's International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill, still less for Barbara Keeley's Social Care (Local Sufficiency) and Identification of Carers Bill or Douglas Carswell's European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) Bill, or the considerable number of other bills on the order paper.
In a world where private capital flows to poor countries dwarf official assistance, development banks should do what markets cannot or will not do.