The prosecution said however, the money disappeared through a network of offshore bank accounts.
As a part of that process, they are also required to disclose any offshore bank accounts they may have.
Yet these business elites choose not to pay their people, even as they squirrel money away in offshore bank accounts.
It seems as though it is similar to offshore bank accounts for the rich, but this dealing with unpaid sales tax.
The Australian tax authorities, too, have cracked down on the use of payment cards to draw money from offshore bank accounts.
Suppose the IRS and Department of Justice are investigating, trying to determine if you used offshore bank accounts to evade taxes.
FORBES: IRS Can Make You Produce Offshore Bank Records Even If Self-Incriminating
An IMF official familiar with Equatorial Guinea, speaking on condition of anonymity, says the fund is "quite concerned" about the country's use of offshore bank accounts and lack of a published budget.
Ten Things To Know About Offshore Bank Accounts.
FORBES: Beware Bank Interest Reporting Even For Nonresidents
"If you look at these websites it is obvious that people have got a stock of goods they are selling, and hiding the proceeds in undeclared offshore bank accounts, " said Ronnie Ludwig of accountants Saffery Champness.
Urdangarin and his partner, Diego Torres, are under investigation for allegedly using the company to siphon millions of euros in taxpayer money, obtained in collusion with corrupt regional officials, to offshore bank accounts and his own companies.
Try an addiction to tucking away bank funds in secret offshore accounts over 13 years, for a purpose you have trouble explaining to your central bank when asked.
But since the money was held in a maze of Swiss bank accounts and offshore trusts, PaineWebber won't admit responsibility.
The British corporate lawyer David Mills helped Mr Berlusconi to set up offshore companies and tax-haven bank accounts for his holding company Fininvest and its many subsidiaries.
Simple as this sounds, too many debtors believe the ocean of false advertising on the internet or the promises of unscrupulous planners, and try to do the exact thing that Wife did here protect real estate and moneys held in her domestic bank accounts with an offshore trust.
Instead of secret bank accounts, entire secret banks: offshore data havens tucked into satellites or old dead oil rigs or blast-proofed caves outside Kandahar.
Britain's Inland Revenue last year won a landmark case obliging Barclays, a British high-street bank, to hand over the bank details of hundreds of thousands of offshore accounts held by British residents.