MEPs have called on the Commission to examine whether the scope of the Seveso Directive should be extended to include offshoreoilexploration, pipelines and certain nanomaterials.
PLC's failure to plug the mile-deep well that has been leaking oil since April is sending shudders down the spines of industry leaders who previously considered offshoreexploration to be one of the last lucrative frontiers in the domestic oil business.
And all Arctic countries are opening their offshore areas to exploration with caution: for oil companies, the Arctic is one of the world's most tightly regulated regions.
After going public in 2005, the company today contracts offshore rigs and inland barges for oil and natural gas exploration focused in the Gulf of Mexico.
Oilfield services companies provide the tools and equipment required in the exploration of oil including drilling rigs, offshore rigs and transport equipment.
Among the sticking points: a proposal to lift a 1981 ban on offshoreoil drilling and open the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve in Alaska for exploration.