But when I read the English books, I found, oh it is different.
"It does cut both ways, it allows people to say, 'Oh it's been cold locally, that must mean temperatures are not rising', " he said.
Then when we do turn up, everyone's gonna be like: 'Wow this is going to be special, this is going to be incredible', rather than: 'Oh it's them again.
"Everyone says 'oh it's fake, he doesn't really have one leg, or there's no way someone can make that kind of physical transformation', " says Sundquist, who is now a motivational speaker.
Still an MP, but he's confined his comments to the fortunes, oh it's Celtic Football Club of which he's Chairman, and as of today he's also chairing a new Institute of Security and Resilience Studies at University College London.
But it does it, oh, it's just a big ole mess down here, you know?
It lives at the mercy of DirecTV and, uh oh, it?s about to die.
Oh, it was still growing, just as Net usage in our day continues to grow.
Oh yeah it could be burned releasing more CO2 and creating more ash dumps.
Oh, it is so good to be back in Seattle. (Applause.) Yes, indeed.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Seattle, WA
Before you jump in with 'oh no it's not' or 'but pantomime's FUN' - read on.
Since my vocabulary was not good at that time, I said, oh, it's ok.
"New readers feel like, 'Oh, it's a No. 1, I could start reading it now, '" she said.
"People say: 'Oh, it would be wasted on me', " says Christie's' head of fine wine David Elswood.
"I used to be offended when people said 'Oh, it looks like a war zone, '" Mr. Kelley said.
Oh, it's crow , and Digigami says they're going to be bringing plenty more for every MPEG-2 doubter.
ENGADGET: Rumors of MPEG-2's death greatly exaggerated? Digigami does HD on a regular DVD
Mr. BRUCE BABBITT (Former Secretary of the Interior): Oh, it's a pleasure to come back out of ancient history.
Somewhere in the middle there, oh, it started badly and it's ending wrong.
Like many students who venture to the U.S. to pursue degrees, Oh found it difficult to transition to conversational English.
Oh and it might be a good idea to consider the shares of Archer Daniels Midland (NYSE:ADM) and Deere (NYSE:DE).
Ms. BLATTER: Oh, it's one of the amazing things about this technology.
'I used to think, oh, it's a nuclear missile', he told me.
BBC: Cold War study looks at communities in Norfolk and Suffolk
Mr. LALO SCHIFRIN (Composer, Jazz Pianist): Oh, it's great to be here.
The 29-year-old mayor described his village as close-knit and friendly, "the kind of place where you'd say, 'oh, it would never happen here'".
Sometimes I'd say, 'Oh, it would be great to have the rhythm section here, ' and Alan would answer, 'I don't think it needs it.
WSJ: His Ukelele Is On Fire | Jake Shimabukuro | Cultural Conversation by Matthew Gurewitsch
Um, helping, oh, it's got to be about job creation, too.
ECONOMIST: A year of embarrassment when the financial tide went out
Mr. STEPHEN WHITAKER (Community Activist): Oh, it's amazing technology, way too powerful to have (unintelligible) as a restricted information product that the public can no longer use.