In a meeting held late Monday, the panel approved 25 oil and gas exploration projects.
That is why my Administration continues to open millions of acres for oil and gas exploration.
With commodity prices falling fast, one hope for continued growth is oil and gas exploration.
Devon Energy is an oil and gas exploration, development and production company with U.S. and international operations.
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This year the Cyprus-Turkey dispute has deteriorated further because of oil and gas exploration in and around Cyprus.
Ultra Deep wells are fantastically expensive, especially for a small oil and gas exploration company such as McMoran.
And just yesterday, we announced the next step for potential new oil and gas exploration in the Atlantic.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Repealing Subsidies for Oil Companies | The White House
President Obama announced a plan Wednesday for opening coastal areas off the East Coast to oil and gas exploration.
In addition, the increasing technological and logistical complexity of oil and gas exploration will contribute to sales and profitability.
The Canadian owned energy company have held the licence for oil and gas exploration in the North West since 2008.
"The administration put together a group of experts to review safety recommendations for offshore oil and gas exploration, " Barrasso said.
Oil and gas exploration is Saif Group's main focus, and Khan's son Jehangir, 31, is in charge of the day-to-day business.
He wants to continue a plan started under Milchovich to expand Foster Wheeler's limited expertise in building equipment for oil and gas exploration projects.
The fiscal regime in Ireland for oil and gas exploration and exploitation is probably one of the more attractive fiscal regimes in the world.
Because the U.S. government collects royalty payments and upfront cash from oil companies that lease federal lands for oil and gas exploration and production.
With 3 billion barrels of oil equivalent reserves, it's as solid as they come when it comes to oil and gas exploration and production companies.
Devon Energy Corporation is an independent energy company engaged primarily in oil and gas exploration, development and production, and in the acquisition of producing properties.
Like another crosstown oil and gas exploration company based in Oklahoma City, SandRidge Energy (SD) is exhibiting the same shareholder inimical corporate governance practices.
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President Obama in recent weeks has touted his willingness to make "tough decisions" regarding the opening of federal lands and waters to oil and gas exploration.
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Many of the country's oil and gas exploration and production sites are located in the sparsely populated deserts of western Libya, not far from the Algerian border.
Research reveals that the noise from oil and gas exploration has driven the whales into deeper waters making it hard for their calves to feed and thrive.
"We don't have any substantial records that the oil and gas exploration have created an issue for the polar bear, " said Dale Hall, director of Fish and Wildlife.
In December a licensing round for 15 blocks of oil and gas exploration got only nine bids, as the big foreign oil companies grumble about Algeria's tax burden.
Business risks such as strikes, productivity or the failure of oil and gas exploration will in due course be covered as routinely as are property and workers' liability.
Rather we need to invest in cleaner oil and gas exploration and production technologies in the short term, and the commercialization of alternative energy technologies for the longer term.
Large oil and natural gas were first discovered in the North Sea during the oil and gas exploration boom that followed the first oil shock in the early '70s.
East Resources, an oil and gas exploration and production company based in Warrendale, PA, has a leasehold of hundreds of thousands of acres in the lucrative Marcellus Shale region.
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The WDCS says one problem is the expansion of oil and gas exploration into the deep seas and the resulting growth in seismic testing to find fossil fuel deposits.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | The deafening sound of the seas
As a result, we are continuing to invest in commodities, agriculture, precious metals, base metals, oil and gas exploration, oil and gas equipment and services as well as natural gas.
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Two years was apparently enough, for he jumped back into the energy business with SandRidge Energ y, a oil and gas exploration company he is now Chairman and CEO of.
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