According to the latest reports, prices for commodities like wheat and oil crops are on the rise.
Java pulls in raw materials, cash crops and huge oil and gas revenues from the rest of Indonesia and sends back government and financial services, manufactured goods and semi-organised violence.
"Bad weather in spring prevented honey bees in many areas from collecting nectar from early flowering crops such as oil seed rape, and the rain continued in many places throughout June and July preventing honey bees from foraging on later crops, " he said.
To investigate, scientists looked at two common pesticides: neonicotinoids, which are used to control pests on oil seed rape and other crops, and a group of organophosphate chemicals called coumaphos, which are used to kill the Varroa mite, a parasite that attacks the honey bee.
In early 19th- century Pennsylvania, this goo was considered a depressor of property values because oil made it hard to grow crops and made farm animals sick.
Some studies suggest that converting land for crops such as palm oil used for biofuel can generate far more in carbon emissions than the savings delivered by the fuel.
All organic crop rotations contain three to four years of no ploughing because grass leys use the sun's energy to fix nitrogen for subsequent crops in place of oil-based artificial fertiliser.
With China and other emerging markets rebounding, demand for oil, copper, corn and other agricultural crops will outstrip supply at least for the near term.
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Unlike urban middle-class families on the main island of Java, these farmers have benefited from the collapse of Indonesia's currency, since that raised the nominal value of cash crops such as coffee, palm oil and rubber.
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Commodity prices have fallen: oil is down nearly 60% from its peak and many crops and metals have done worse.
Producing fuel from plant crops is supposed to be greener than drilling for oil, and biofuels generally burn cleaner, too.
Not only is the oil price well below those highs, but the UN says fewer crops are being diverted towards biofuels.
On 5% of the world's vegetable-oil farmland it produces 38% of output, more than any of these other crops.