Vahldiek mixes in a little cattle farming and mineral and oil extraction to help pay the bills.
Congress included a few favored ones you might not think of as manufacturing--mining, oil extraction and engineering.
No matter how it is carried out, oil extraction is a destructive business.
Opponents of the expansion are pointing to the spill as timely evidence of safety concerns over offshore oil extraction.
James Robinson, RSPB's Northern Ireland director, said he would be "really worried" if oil extraction were to go ahead around Rathlin Island.
Negotiations over oil extraction and the pipeline are far from complete.
He has worked for the US company, which employs 10, 000 people worldwide in oil extraction and processing, since 1995 and was based in Colombia the whole time.
Other industry insiders have pointed to the fact that the oil extraction in Canada is the largest employer in Alberta, and a major source of revenue to Canada.
He also said that his company would probably bring in third parties to assist in the oil extraction but said there would be "no shortage" of interest from other firms.
He has batted away all criticisms of the Albertan tar sands, where oil extraction is an especially dirty business, and placed his faith in carbon capture and storage, an unproven and expensive technology.
But we have to acknowledge that there are inherent risks to drilling four miles beneath the surface of the Earth, and these are risks -- (applause) -- these are risks that are bound to increase the harder oil extraction becomes.
He just continued to let them run through the processing conveyor belt for oil extraction, in a one size fits all penalty regime, and then ground them up for fish fertilizer, while bragging about the results of his fishing expedition.
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The RSPB has also voiced concerns about any potential oil extraction around Rathlin Island, off County Antrim, a Special Area of Conservation and a Special Protection Area (SPA), which it argues is too important for wildlife to allow that to happen.
It was seen as a spectacular Italian coup when Eni became operational leader, but the thanks to a poor infrastructure for exploration in the northern Caspian sea, costly regulations about the burning off of gas at oil wells, and the rising costs of oil extraction, production was slowed and costs overrun.
In April 2012, a study by scientists at the US Geological Survey of the interior of the US found that events of magnitude 3 or greater had "abruptly increased in 2009" from 1.2 per year in the previous 50 years to more than 25 per year - although a number of gas and oil extraction methods may be implicated in the rise.
BBC: Oklahoma earthquake linked to oil extraction wastewater
After his election in 1992, Mr Lissouba broke the oil-extraction monopoly of the French company, Elf, bringing in other companies.
The oil-extraction from coffee bean rate, now at 92% to 94%, means the project will begin next year, and this year's harvest will be affected, as coffee bean supplies are built up in anticipation.
Net oil exporters, like Iran, will meanwhile have much bigger populations consuming energy resources, which could lead to an energy famine for net oil importers like the U.K. "There just aren't enough big projects in the pipeline to keep up with demand, " said John Miles, chairman of Arup, who coordinated research into oil-extraction projects currently under way.
New fracking methods are transforming oil and gas extraction productivity, providing access to at least 167 shale oil and gas field deposits that are distributed among several states.
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For instance, a major decline in global economic growth will lower crude oil prices which will impact investments in exploration and extraction of oil.
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Infrastructural works such as the construction of ports, dredging, pipelines and oil or mineral extraction may also damage sites.
Goodyear has plenty of experience with the economics of oil and gas extraction.
The reinvestment of revenues from oil and gas extraction into the permanent protection of parks, open spaces, wildlife habitat, and access for recreational activities.
These new methods are transforming oil and gas extraction productivity.
Only 1, 200 oil and gas extraction jobs, or 2.6% of the total, were lost during the recent recession, and companies have since added back 7, 200 jobs in the sector.
States with big energy production, like Louisiana and Oklahoma, also have another reform option: replacing the income tax with revenues from oil and gas extraction taxes, drilling leases and royalty payments.
Higher prices at the pump have also made extraction from oil sands and heavy oil feasible.
It assumes the top end of projections for oil still available for extraction.
The extraction of oil and gas is a highly regulated activity.
WSJ: Daniel Yergin on the Shale Gas Revolution: Stepping on the Gas
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, has unleashed a boom in energy production in the United States by allowing the extraction of oil and gas from shale rock.