• Unlike many rivals, which often focus on short-term results and oil-price movements, Exxon invests in or walks away from projects based on long-term returns on capital assuming moderate oil prices.


  • Ben Jacobsen, a finance professor at Massey University in New Zealand, has another theory: it takes investors (like economists) a while to work out the impact of oil-price movements on the economy generally.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • Short-term price movements, its oil minister insists, should not distract from the world's enduring thirst for oil.

    ECONOMIST: Oil prices have plunged. Another spike may be on its way

  • If you want to trade commodity currencies, the best way to use commodity prices in your trading is to always keep one eye on movements in the oil or gold market and the other eye on the currency market to watch how quickly it responds.

    FORBES: Use This Currency To Short Oil, Another One To Buy Gold

  • The loss of crude oil imports from Libya since the political movements have closed production there has led the U.S. government to open the emergency reserves this summer.

    FORBES: U.S. Opens Oil Reserves: Crude Futures Continue To Fall

  • The scientists will also use the tags to find out whether oil exploration is altering the creatures' movements, and they will also help to establish whether the number of walruses being hunted in west Greenland at present is sustainable.

    BBC: Walruses (Image: BBC)

  • Forcing a regime change in Iraq allows the US to pressure the remaining fragile, dictatorial Arab governments to install more democratic institutions, without fear of losing the control of the world's oil supply to fundamentalist, anti-western movements.

    BBC: Viewpoint: Why Saddam must go

  • According to Mr Wiek, the wholesale price of unleaded petrol has risen sharply on Europe's largest market, in Rotterdam during recent weeks, and now bears no relation to price movements in the market for crude oil anymore.

    BBC: Holiday fuel rise fury

  • Natural gas will have a harder time replacing oil as a transportation fuel, but there are movements spearheaded by T.

    FORBES: MIT: The Future Is A (Natural) Gas

  • Radical movements hostile to private investment in Bolivia's oil-and-gas sector have been blockading roads for weeks.

    ECONOMIST: Bolivia

  • An American company, protecting American oil companies and American citizens, uses aircraft with advanced night-vision technology to track guerrilla movements.

    ECONOMIST: Angola

  • The wild price movements mentioned above are part of a common dynamic in commodity markets, particularly crude oil and its derivatives.

    FORBES: Fuel Budgets Quadrupled Since 2004 On Surging Oil Price Volatility

  • Much of the country's income from oil, which soared in the 1970s, was wasted on arms purchases and sponsorship of revolutionary movements around the world.

    ECONOMIST: The Arab uprisings

  • The oil-rich Arab monarchies are concerned that the rise of Islamists in Egypt will empower their own radical opposition movements.

    WSJ: Morsi Takes Office, Praises Egyptian Military

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