What was a surprise was that removing this nicotine did not diminish the oil's effectiveness against bacteria and fungi, and made it only marginally less effective against beetle larvae.
Speaking before House Ways and Means members, Mundaca downplayed the impact of removing existing tax credits from U.S. oil and gas companies by citing that the burden added by these proposed repeals would account for less than 1% of industry revenue.
But Alaska politicians, industry consultants and analysts question whether tight new regulations in the wake of the oil spill in the Gulf might discourage offshore drilling in the Arctic, removing that as a way to postpone the Trans-Alaska Pipeline's decline.
Earlier this year, Dole and Chiquita caught flak from activists after removing posts from their Facebook pages related to their consumption of tar sands oil.
So how are we going to reduce the deficit and at the same time develop clean energy alternatives as well as removing the current systems that we have in place that are dependent on oil and other things from other countries?