On Tuesday Global X launched a new equity exchange-traded fund that attempts to achieve high correlation to crude oil spot prices.
Both strategies will not perfectly track the crude oil spot index regardless.
She sometimes sprays a few spritzes of scent onto her throw pillows. (It's a good idea to test the spray on the back of the pillow to ensure it doesn't leave an oil spot.) She spritzes just the edges of a pillow, not the center, where people may rest their heads.
Investor frustration regarding the inability of most crude oil ETFs to successfully track the spot price of oil over time is well documented.
Why would the price of oil on the spot market be 40% than the cost of production?
Spot oil prices have fallen sharply since mid-September (down 6%), taking the edge off the market somewhat.
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It means that we have an energy policy so that our economy is not subject to the whims of the spot oil market.
Some of them aren't going to have that capacity, but maybe they can act as sentinels to spot oil, or maybe some of them are just shuttling supplies back and forth to these ships.
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People are exposed to that risk not just as consumers but also as homeowners (if they live in an oil town or a cold spot) and as workers (if they build oil rigs or design suvs).
Then there's China, which has climbed to the world's number two spot in oil consumption.
Reversing that would make it easier to spot where oil is being lost.
Thanks in part to the government's accumulation, spot heating oil for delivery into New York harbor is now 95.2 cents.
The underlying Solactive Global Oil Equities Index tracks the performance of 25 equal-weighted companies that have shown a high correlation to the spot price of oil.
The scramble to secure oil supplies now and into the future has contributed to the sharp increase in the price of oil on both the spot market and for future delivery.
Also, Goldman points out that energy stocks are pricing in an oil price below the current spot price.
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Constituents are ranked and chosen by their correlation to the spot price of oil in the quarter preceding the selection day.
The boon of skyrocketing oil prices is easier to spot and predict.
Another name to consider is Occidental Petroleum (NYSE: OXY), which is a name that is generally most associated with the spot price of oil.
Amid the finger pointing and political posturing, the Obama administration seems to have missed a vital detail: The U.S. oil industry is in a spot of bother.
Among contenders for the top spot offshore is OIL, which has benefited from an Asian fondness for companies from the British Virgin Islands (on paper the second-largest investor in China in 2010, after Hong Kong).
The current contango in oil markets (meaning: future prices are above spot prices) has allowed Plains to make a low-risk profit buying oil for its own account, selling futures and letting the purchased oil sit around.
The spot market is where oil companies buy (relatively) small volumes of oil for short term delivery.
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Normally, oil trades at a premium to spot prices in the outer years.
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In short, how do you spot the snake-oil among information supplements?
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Rich and Green, who essentially invented spot-market trading in oil, aroused the scrutiny of the U.S. Justice Department for their shady Middle Eastern trades in the 1970s.
China will import cheap U.S. gas into Asia, basing prices on spot market fundamentals rather than expensive oil indexed gas contracts.
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The most obvious is quality control: the market is infested with snake-oil salesmen, and they are harder to spot from half a world away.
Oil and gas firms are in the sweet spot of innovation to ensure an ample and growing supply of petroleum products for transportation for an open-ended future.
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The oil and gas industry has been a true bright spot amid the economic downturn.